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The Way of all Flesh[edit]


E1M1: Cradle to Grave[edit]

Jump out of your tomb, moving forward and turning to your right. Open the doors to get outside. Walk down the earthen steps to your right and open the gates. Behind the tomb to your right is a cultist who holds the Skull key. Kill him and get the key. Now, enter the Morningside Cemetery. Keep moving forward until you get to viewing area. Open up the curtains over to your right, and follow the passage to the right of the organ until you get to the crematorium door on the right side of the passage. Enter the crematorium, collect the Dagger key, then continue on down the passage to the Dagger key door. Open it, and jump through the hole in front (and to the right) of you. Push the symbol to end the level.

E1M2: Wrong Side of the Tracks[edit]

Go through the hole, and shoot the TNT barrels to your left, blowing a hole in the rail car. Shoot the TNT barrels in the car to blow the other side to the car. Jump up in the car, walking through it, until you come to another rail car. Over on the left side is a narrow space, which will allow you to walk by it. As you come out of that space, you'll see a button in front of you. Push it, and the rail car will rotate, revealing a door on the other side of the rail car. Jump through the middle of the car, and turn to your left to see the newly revealed door.

Open the door, walk down the stairs, and follow the stone path to the "Miskatonic Station." Enter the station, walk up the stairs, and you find yourself at a Ticket booth. Walk around it, and enter through the "No Admittance" door. Collect the Moon key, turn around, and walk til you're just under the "Miskatonic Station" sign, and turn around. You'll see two staircases to your left and right. Follow the left one up, open the Moon key door, and get the Fire key. Then retrace your steps, and go up the right one. Follow the passage until you get to the room with JoJo posters and the Fire key door. Open the gate, and follow the passage to the end, and wait for your train to come in. Hit the symbol on the front of the train to end the level.

E1M3: Phantom Express[edit]

Follow the ledge either way until you get to the Fire key door at the rear of the engine car. Walk over the coal car, and jump down in front of the door to the first passenger car. Open it, fight your way to the second passenger car (the Skull key door is in this car), fight your way through it, and you'll get to the storage car. Over on the left side is the door which leads to the dining car (strange that the storage car is between the passenger cars and the dining car). Grab the Skull key in the dining car, and return to the 2nd passenger car.

As you enter the 2nd passenger car, use your Skull key on the elevator to your left. Ride it up, open the door, grab the fire key, and ride it back down. Now head for the Fire key door all the way back at the beginning of the level. Open it up, and walk around the furnace to the very front of the car. Turn to your right to see the train controls. On the right side, you'll see a lever. Hit it, and turn back toward the furnace. You'll see two switches on both sides of the furnace's grill. Hit both of them, step back, and wait for all hell to break loose, ending the level.

E1M4: Dark Carnival[edit]

Walk forward until you get to the over-turned coal car, and turn to your right. You'll see a passage in the rock face. Enter it, and follow it along to the carnival entrance. Jump down and head down the path to your right, across the little wooden bridge, and into "Cougar and D'arc's Pandemonium Shadow Show." Walk past the ticket taker, and straight along until you get to the ramp. Take note: the Moon key door and another ramp are over to you left. Go up the ramp, and turn to your right for some more fun and games. Walk by them all, JoJo the main attraction, so follow the directions on the sign and go to the left.

Open the door to the JoJo attraction, you'll see two pillars and a high wire between them. Go to the pillar on the left and push the button to ride the lift up, walk across the high wire, collect the Dagger key, and walk back over the wire. When you get back across, push the button to call the lift back up, and ride it down. Turn to your left and go out the door under the "Exit" sign. You'll find yourself in another part of the carnival. Turn to your left, and walk all the way to the end, then turn right, and you'll see the Dagger key door over on your left. Enter the Dagger key door, and you'll find the entrance to the ticket booth with the Moon key. Grab it, and walk back out to the carnival. Take a left at the Punch-O-Meter, and enter the Happy-Go-Pukey using the Eye key. Fight the gargoyle and pick up the Moon key. Go through the passage under the "Exit" sign, and you'll find yourself across from the Moon key door.

Enter the Moon key door and you'll come to a bridge that will blow up just as you turn the corner. Now you could be boring, and jump in the water, take the underwater passage over to your left to Level 5. Instead, use the pillars to jump across to the other side. Blow the crack in the wall from the last pillar, then jump over. Dive into the small pool of water, swim through the underwater passage, and surface into a small cave. Before you, you'll see a stone with three skulls on it. Push the skulls to the following combination: Dagger, Eye, Moon. And it's off to the secret level.

E1M8: House of Horror[edit]

Follow the passage to a gate. Open the gate, go up the ramp, and open the face to the fun house. Follow the path along until you get to the spot where you have green water to your left. Jump in and follow it along until you get to gate which blocks your way. Shoot out the bars with the zombies behind it, and jump up in it. A security booth will open before you. Jump into it, and pull the lever to open the gates. Follow it along until you see an "Under Construction" sign, quickly jump into the niche to your left, and take the lift down. You'll see another section with green water past the unconstructed part, so jump up in it, and continue along. Eventually, you come to a large room, with the Skull key beyond your reach. Drop down, and grab the Diving suit from behind the waterfall. Walk toward the "Spine Crusher" sign, and you'll drop down underwater. Go through the passage to your right, and continue along until you get to a metal room. Swim into the room to your left, turn around, and push the switch on the left side. A room will open up in front of you releasing some bone eels, and a passage will open over to the left. Swim out of the room, and take the passage to your left.

Follow the passage, and you'll eventually surface in a torture chamber and the Skull key door. Take the stairs in front of you, and collect the Skull key from the ledge. Return, and open up the Skull key door. Take the path to your left, and follow the long, winding passage until you find a wooden door on your right. Open it, and follow it up to a room filled with wood. Jump out the window in front of you onto a sloped ledge, and shoot out the X-shaped boards to your right. Jump through the newly opened space into an area filled with TNT barrels. Shoot the barrels until you find the one which blows a hole in the wall (it's all the way around). Jump into the hole, and into the small pool of water. Follow the underwater passage and surface. Jump out of the water and hit the symbol to end the level.

E1M5: Hallowed Grounds[edit]

Walk across the open aired area into the next building. Over to your left, is the entrance into a big hallway with lots of pillars. Enter it, and turn to your right. Walk all the way down until you get to the wide wooden door on your left. Open it, and keep walking, past the Moon and Skull key doors, until you finally get to the Skull key.

Don't go back to the Skull key door yet. Instead, take the door to your right into a large room. Up on the right ledge, you'll see a doorway, follow it along to a small pool of water on your right. Jump in, swim to the end, and push the switch. Swim back, and a staircase will be opened to your right. Climb up stairs, listen to the message, and open the curtains on the left fork. Jump down, and walk through the doors to your left. This will take you to the Skull key door. Open it, and follow the stairs up until you come to a room with several doorways. Take the one to your immediate left, and drop down the hole in the floor. At the end of the passage, you'll see a differently colored wall, push it, and enter into the next room (you could take the long way around through the courtyard, but this is the quickest way). Keep walking forward and take the Moon key over the left side of the room.

When you pick up the key, the gate in front of you will open up taking you back to the big hallway from the beginning of the level. Follow it back around to the Moon key door. Open the door, and follow the stairs down. At the bottom of the stairs, take note of the Spider key doors in the room on your right, but take the passage over to your left, until you come to a lift. Take the lift up to the wine storage area, and pick up the Spider key. Return via the lift to the Spider key doors, and open the left one. Follow the passage, turn to your left, cross the bridge, and push the symbol to end the level.

E1M6: The Great Temple[edit]

Follow the passage along until you get to a pool of water with a bridge over it. Jump into the water. Dive down and turn around. Go through the underwater passage into a larger room. To your left, you'll find another underwater passage, which will take you to some stairs. Climb the stairs, and follow the passage until you find the wooden bridge on the right side of the passage. Cross it, and push the switch on the left side of the niche, and turn back toward the bridge. The bridge will lower slightly (making it accessible to your starting position), and some double doors flanked by gargoyles will open up to your right.

Enter the doors, and go to your left. Climb the stairs and follow the passage to the room with the stained glass (both paths into the room lead to the same place). Go up the stairs into a large shooting gallery (you're the target). Work you way to the other side of the room, and go through the gray doors. You'll find yourself in a room with with the Skull key door. Walk to the door, and turn to the left. Follow the path along, and drop down into the area to your right. Open the wooden doors, walk-in, kill everybody, grab your reflective shots, and go back out. When you jump back up, the area in front of you will open up. Enter into the room with the switch. The door behind you will close and zombies will be released. Kill them all, and the next room. Again, the door will close behind you, but grab the Skull key and another door opens, returning you to the room with the Skull key door.

Enter the Skull key door, and follow the passage down to a room with three short staircases. Climb up both of the ones to your right, and pull the levers. When both are switched on, the Fire key will rise up in the space across from the third staircase. Grab it, and hit the Fire key switch. Enter into the door which opens, and make your way across the fireballs. At the end of the passage will be a trolley of some sort with a switch. Push the switch, and duck down to avoid the flame-throwers. When you get to the end of the line, quickly get out to avoid being blown up. Climb the stairs, and walk along until you get to another Fire key switch, push it and a niche opens up next to it with another switch inside. Push it, and the wooden doors on the other side of the room will rise up. Go through it, and you'll find yourself in a room with a ramp around it. Go up the ramp, and collect the Spider key.

After grabbing the Spider key, a door will open up behind you. Follow the passage (ducking under the flame-throwers), and you find a switch at the end of the hall. Push it, and you'll now be on the upper ledge of the shooting gallery. Follow the path along, go up the stairs, and you'll see the Spider key door on your left. Open it, go up the stairs, and pick up the Moon key in the middle niche on your right. After killing all the zombies, go out through the other door, and you find yourself facing the Moon key door. Open it, and walk into the teleporter. You'll find yourself in a room with Guns Akimbo up on a pillar. Push the pillar, and the wall around the room will rotate revealing a room with zombies, kill them. You'll see a switch on the left side of the room, push it, and get back in the central area before the wall rotates. You'll need to repeat this procedure with the next room. After the third rotation, the symbol to end the level will be revealed.

E1M7: Altar of Stone[edit]

Go up the stairs in either direction. When you get to the wooden bridge leading to the altar in the center, cross it. This will get the attention of Cheogh, and the final battle of episode one will begin. Kill him to end the level.

Even Death may Die[edit]


E2M1: Shipwrecked[edit]

Ride the small boat until it stops. Jump out, and up on the ship. Turn to the right, and jump into the hole. Kill everyone and collect the Fire key. Hit the switch on the wall, and a crate will lower, enabling you to jump out of the hold. Now walk all the way to the front of the ship with the locked steering wheel (requires Moon key). Kill the cultist carrying the Eye key. Get the key and retrace your steps until you see the Eye key door. Turn around and you'll see another Eye key door, enter this one. Go down the ramp, and you'll see the Skull key door over to your left. Turn to your right and follow that passage. Keep walking past the Dining room, down the hall with the TNT barrel at the end. Blow it up, and enter into the water in the hole to the right.

Swim down, look to your right, and you'll see the Fire key door. Open it, and get the Skull key. Now retrace your steps to the Skull key door. Enter the captain's quarters and grab the Moon key door. Now go back up to the deck, activate the steering wheel, and a cavern will open up to your left. Jump out of the boat, enter the cavern, and jump in the small pool. Follow the underwater passage, surface, climb the stairs, and push the symbol to end the level.

E2M2: The Lumber Mill[edit]

Go foward until you see the Dagger key door to your right. Turn left and walk outside. Turn left and walk until you see lumber stacks on your right and the Fire key door to your left. Turn right, and walk past the Skull key door, and you'll see two outhouses on a raised platform. Walk up the stairs and jump into the window where you see the Skull key. Jump back out the window, and retrace your steps and open up the Skull key door. Kill the cultist to get the Moon key. Now go back to the outhouses and open up the right one.

Jump down into the smelly mess, and push the switch over lower left side. Now find a place to surface, and you see the Fire key. Grab it and take the stairs to you right up. Find your way back to the Fire key door, enter it, and push the button in front of you. A panel to your left opens up, so jump in, and swim to the bottom to collect the Dagger key. Behind and above you, a hole will open up. Swim into, follow the passage, and jump out at the starting position. Walk down the hall, enter the Dagger key door to your right, and walk down the passage to your left. Push the symbol to end the level.

E2M3: Rest for the Wicked[edit]

Find your way through hedge maze (no, I'm not going to help you), taking note of the location of the Skull and Moon key doors, until you find the brick structure. Walk past it, and you'll soon find another brick structure. Open the door and kill the fat zombie to get the Skull key. Find your way back to the Skull key door, and open it. You'll find an area with a swimming pool over to your right. When you enter that area, turn right, and go through the door. To your right you'll see a not-so-hot tub. Find the button on the side of it, and push it. Jump in the hot tub and collect the Moon key. Opposite the way you came in, you'll find a Moon key door. Go through it and you'll find yourself outside the building where you got the Skull key. Follow the hedge maze back to your starting point, and go through that Moon Key door. Turn to your right, walk all the way down, and push the symbol to end the level.

E2M4: The Overlooked Hotel[edit]

More hedge mazes. Find your way through it, and you find a wide opening flanked by gargoyle statues. Thankfully, that's the end of hedges on this level. Just keep going forward, and you find yourself at the Overlooked Hotel. Enter, go up the far staircase on your right, and grab the Skull key over to your left. Jump back down quickly to avoid the fireball, enter the Skull key door to your left, and grab the Fire key. Go back up the same stairs, turn left again, and enter the first door on your right. Walk across the library, turn left, and enter the other half of the library. Immediately to your left is a differently colored bookcase. Push it and it lowers. Ride it up and get the first of the five tomes you need to get to the secret level.

Directly in front of where you entered this room is a secret door. Push the bookcase, enter the secret passage, and turn to your right. You'll see a door on the right side of the passage. Enter it and pick up your second tome.

As you leave this area, you'll see some red boards up ahead of you on the left side of the passage. Push these, and jump into the bedroom. Walk out of the bedroom, and follow the hall to your right. Around the corner, past the grandfather's clock, you see a door on your right. Enter it, and push the bookcase to collect the third tome.

Leave the bedroom. Right next door is the Fire key door. Enter it, and to the room to the left is the Dagger key. Make sure you pick on the fourth tome on the nightstand.

Leave the room, and walk down the spiral staircase to your right. Then walk up the staircase in front of you. You find a passageway on the right hand side that leads to the Dagger key door. Enter it and pick up the Spider key and the fifth and final tome.

Return to where you entered the hotel, and face the two spiral staircases. Go up the one on your right. You'll soon enter a room with a giant skull fireplace, exit the room to your right, and follow the passage along. When you come to the wooden doors, turn to your left, and keep going. You'll come to a room with a short staircase going down to double wooden doors. Open the door, and you'll see the Moon key. Again, if you want to be boring, grab the key, find the Spider key door, and find your exit. Instead enter into the smoking star to the right of the key, and be teleported to the secret level exit. Just walk into the darkened passage in front of you to leave this level.

E2M9: Thin Ice[edit]

Follow the passage, jump down on the ice below you, and swim over to the area on the left. Over on the far right of the area is a small niche with a dynamite detonator in it. Activate it, and a passage will open up behind you. Follow the passage into the water, swim into the next area, and find a hole in the ice above you. Surface and enter into the area over on the left. Jump up over the ice, and when you walk across the the next area the ice will open up underneath you. Jump in and you'll see two underwater passages. Take the one that up near the surface of the water, follow it, and surface when you reach the end of the passage.

Walk along until you get to the room with the fire in the middle of it. Walk up the ramp to over on the right side of the room, and follow it to the lift. Take the lift up, and blow up the TNT barrels in the middle of the ice. After all the ice falls, you'll notice a narrow ledge over to your right. Follow it along, jumping over the gaps in the ice. Just keep following the path you're on (through various rooms and ledges), and you'll eventually come to the Skull key. Grab it. Turn around, and make a difficult jump onto the ice tower. Jump on the next one, and then down to the area with the Life Seed. After picking up the Life Seed, turn to your left, and jump on the ice leading up to the ledge. Now follow the ledge around, until you get to the Skull key door. Open it, and push the symbol to end the level

E2M5: The Haunting[edit]

Walk forward, take the stairs up to your right, and enter into the area in front of the house. To the right of the house, you'll find a gap in the hedges. Before entering the hedge, use Boots of Jumping to jump up into the window behind you, and collect the Moon key (you can do this later if you don't have the Boots). Enter the hedge, and follow the path along, and you'll eventually come to a fence with Dagger key behind it. Since you can't get in, just keep going along the path. Eventually, you'll find yourself in front of another part of the house. You'll find an entrance into the hedge maze over to the right. Make you're way through until you find the house. Walk up the steps and open the enter the doors. After going through another set of door, take the path to your right, and follow it until you get to a room with X-shaped planks. Shoot out the window to your right, and jump out of it. Walk up the steps over to your left, and turn right. Walk straight ahead, and go through the opening on your right. Turn the corner, and you'll see a pool with two gargoyle statues with the Spider key between them. Grab it, and backtrack to the steps. On your way to where you entered the house.

Now take the stairs up, and open up the fist door to your left. Walk forward, hang a left, and you'll see the Spider key door to your right. Open it, and get the Eye key. Now backtrack, going back out the spider door, and back out the door from the hallway. Straight ahead, you'll see some railing on your left side. Walk to it, and you'll be overlooking a room with four large windows.

Jump down, break one of the windows, and jump outside. Enter the hedges to your left, and ollow it along and you'll find the Dagger key you saw earlier. After you get the Dagger key, backtrack to the room with the four big windows. You'll see a little room in the left-hand corner. Go into it, and open up the Dagger key door. Open up the cooler door on the left side of the kitchen, and get the Fire key. Go back in the kitchen, and go through the Fire key door.

To your right is the Eye key door, enter it, and walk down the stairs to the wine cellar. Do not blow up the TNT barrel to your left. Walk to the end of the room, turn to your right, and you'll see another TNT barrel (blow this one up to find a lift which will take you back into the house if you accidently blew up the first TNT barrel). To the right of this barrel is the Skull key. Get it, and back up the stairs, through the Eye key door.

Go through the double doors ahead of you, and walk outside. If you haven't already gotten the Moon key, there's an entrance to the hedge maze over to your left. Just follow it to the Skull key door, go upstairs, collect the Moon key, and return here. So, now that everyone's got the Moon key, just open up the Moon key door across the way.

Enter into the Moon key door, and jump into the swimming pool. You'll find a crack in the corner, so blow it up with the Napalm Launcher. Enter into the opening, swim along the underwater passage, and surface in the next area. Jump out of the water, walk down the passage, and blow up the TNT barrels at the end of the hall. This will open up two passages. Take the one to your left, and follow it to the symbol that ends the level.

E2M6: The Cold Rush[edit]

Follow the passage out onto the ice. Make your way over to the right, and you'll find a narrow stream. Jump over it, turn to your right, and you'll see a passage in the rock face. Jump up the ice to get to it, and follow the passage. When you can't go any farther, look to your left, and you'll see a ledge. Jump on it. Turn right, and go forward, making two more jumps. Follow that ledge around to the end, jump to the next ledge on your left, and follow that one to the end. At the end of the ledge, you'll see two passages across the chasm, you want to go to the lower of the two. Jump on over, collect the Skull key, then jump back out, and go to the higher passage.

Follow the passage, and you'll come to a ledge overlooking your starting position. Jump down onto the building to your left, and you'll find the Skull key door. Enter it, go down the stairs, and enter the metal door across the hall. Push the button, walk out the room, and turn to your right. You'll see another flight of stairs, climb these, and go out the Skull key door on the second floor. To your left, you'll see a circular area with a button. Step in, and push the button. The room will spin around, revealing a switch. Push it, and you'll see a door open outside the window. Now go back to spinning room, and hit the button again. Jump across to the ledge where the door just opened, enter it, and push the symbol to end the level.

E2M7: The Bowels of the Earth[edit]

As you walk into the next room, the floor will crack open. If you look down in the newly opened chasm, you'll see a passage has opened up below you. Carefully jump down into it. Follow the passage along, and eventually there will be a cave-in, and you'll be attacked by zombies. Kill the zombies, and continue along the passage using the last zombie hole to your right. You'll come to a room with a mine car with a lever in it. Jump in, pull the switch, and ride it to the next area (you can also walk, it doesn't make any difference). When you get to the next area, you'll see the rocks to your left falling down, and a ledge behind them. Jump onto the ledge, and follow it to your left. You'll eventually come to a room with a stone in the middle, two ledges on either side, and a passage in front of you. Enter the passage, and up the ramp. Follow that passage around, and you'll eventually see a passage to your left. Follow it.

You'll eventually come to a large area with a wooden bridge and a hole in the floor. Jump down into the hole, and you'll find a lever in the room you land in. Push it, and follow the passage. You'll find another lever, which activates the lift. Enter the lift, push the lever to ride it up, and blow the crack in wall. Walk out into the passage, and go right. You'll find yourself in the area with the bridge and the hole again. This time, follow the steps on your left, and cross the bridge. To your left, you'll see a conveyor belt & smasher working. Jump in, and carefully make your way around. You find some Boots of Jumping, and a lever on your right of the Boots. Push the lever, and you'll see the chains start to move. Follow the chains, and use the Boots of Jumping when you get to the end of the hall. You'll find yourself on an incline, keep moving forward, and jump down. Follow the passage in front of you to the bridge, cross over it, and duck down under the boards at the end of the passage. Follow that passage (blowing up the TNT if you like) to a room with a pool. Jump in, and move through the pillars on your left. You'll find a large wooden lever at one end, and a door at the other. Pull the lever, go through the now-opened door, and follow the underwater passage.

Surface, and enter the lift. Follow the ledge, jump over the gap, and follow the passage to the lift. Activate the lever, and ride the lift up. Cross the bridge, jumping over the gap, and enter the passage to the right. You'll come to a bridge with crack at the the end of it. Blow the crack (and part of the bridge). Use the Boots to jump over gap. If you don't have the Boots, you can always use the skull posts on the right side of the bridge to get across. Turn to your right, and follow the passage down to the Temple. Enter through the spider doors, and down inside. In the room with the gargoyles, there's a gray pillar. Push it, and a passage will open up. Follow it, and push the symbol to end the level

E2M8: The Lair of Shial[edit]

You shouldn't have too much trouble finding Shial's lair. Quickest way is to jump in the water, move forward, and surface in the next area. Go up the stairs, and the stone that you see in front of you is the underside of the ramp leading up to Shial. Just circle around it, and go up the ramp. Kill Shial to end the level.

Farewell to Arms[edit]


E3M1: Ghost Town[edit]

In front of you is the Fire key door, take note for future reference. Walk forward, and turn to your left. You'll see a gray door on the second building on your left. Enter it, and you'll see the Spider key door. Turn right, and follow the hall around. Kill the cultist to get the Spider key. Go back, and open the Spider key door. Go up the stairs until you reach the stucked door. Shoot the fire extinguisher, and a hole opens up into the next building. Jump over to the other building, go up the stairs, past the innocents, up another flight of stairs, and you'll find another hole in the wall. Jump into the hole across the alley. Go up the stairs, through the gray door, and ignore the "Stay Out" sign. Enter that room, and kill the ghost to collect the Moon key.

Go back out to the street, and you'll see a hole blasted in the side of building to the left of the JoJo sign. Enter it, and another hole blows open. Jump up into it, and you'll find the Moon key door. Enter it, and pick up the Fire key door, and go back to the street. Go through the Fire key door (one of them won't open), follow the hall to your right, and you'll find yourself in a fairly large room. Jump up over the counter, and enter the Manager's office to pick up the Skull key. As you leave the Manager's office, you'll see another door in front of you. Go through it, up the stairs, and through another door.

When you pass by the window, look out of it. You'll see a crack in the wall. Blow it up, but don't jump over yet. Continue along the hall , and you'll eventually come to the Skull key door. Go in, grab the Dagger key, and return to the hole you just blew up. Jump across, go through the Dagger key door, and push the symbol to end the level.

E3M2: The Siege[edit]

As you enter the second room, you'll see a crack in the wall; blow it open. Enter the hole, and go down the stairs to "Feinmen Meats." Go in through the regular entrance, and make your way forward. You'll find a passage under a "No Admittance" sign. Go down that passage, and open the door at the end to pick up the Skull key. Go back outside, and enter through the Loading entrance (there's a hall that's quicker, but this is easier to explain). Go up the stairs, and follow the hall until you get to the Skull key door. Enter it, and follow the hallway until you get to the bloody pool. To your right, you'll see a white square (take note of this for later). Jump down to your left, and you'll find a button is a small alcove. Push it, and the white square I pointed out will now have a button. Go back to where you jump off, ride the lift back up, and push the newly revealed button. A staircase will rise up, follow it to another button, and push it.

To find out "what the hell" that did, go back to the Skull key door, and follow the ledge around. There will be a newly opened door on the other side with another button. Push it, and the other door on the ledge will open. Enter it, go up the stairs, and out on the narrow ledge. To your left will be a water tower, so go over to it. When you get to it, you'll see a window over to your left. Jump in the window, kill the cultist, and grab the Moon key. Jump back out the window, and enter the door under the "Exit" sign. Walk down the hall and shoot the TNT barrels to blow the crack in the wall. Now follow out to the roof behind the "Monolith" billboard. To the right of the skylight, you'll see a wooden fence you can get on top of. Get as high as you can, than jump across to wall near the black and white tiled area. Now jump to the roof over to your left.

To your left will be a fan. Shoot it out, and drop down into the kitchen. Take the right path, and follow it along with your right side against the wall (ignore the small area with the phones), and you'll soon find yourself outside with some innocents. Enter into the building in front of you. Follow the path to your right, and after you turn the corner, you'll see the Moon key door in front of you. Enter the Moon key door, and you'll soon see an area will lasers blocking your path. If you look behind you, you see two switches. Activate the right one (don't touch the left one). The lasers will now be deactivated. Enter the room, and you'll see something across from you with a black rectangle on it. Lob some TNT at it, and the bank vault to your right will open up. Inside the bank vault, you'll see two dials. There doesn't seem to be any combination. Just hit one of the dials a couple of times, and all of the metal doors inside the next room open up. Walk into the room, and you'll find a hole blown in the wall. Jump through, and push the symbol to end the level.

E3M3: Raw Sewage[edit]

Walk forward, down the stairs, and into the water. You'll find an underwater passage at the end of this corridor. Enter it, and you'll come to a room with two valves. Turn them both, and a passage will open over to your right. Follow the newly opened passage, surface, and go up the steps into another passage. Follow this one until you get back into the sewage. At the first fork, take the left path, and follow it along until you see a hole overlooking a large pool of sewage. Jump into it, and underneath the waterfall (sewagefall), you'll find an underwater passage. Follow it to a larger area with the Skull key and a passage to the right of the key. Grab the Skull key, and exit through this passage. Follow it, and when you fall down, push the switch next to the gate to open it. Go through the gate, surface in front of the Skull key door.

Enter the Skull key door, and follow the passage until you get to a large room with several metal bridges over it. Enter into the lift over to your right, and take it up to the next level. Cross the bridge, and follow the path along until you get to a metal door. Past that door is a room with some bedding and a lift. Take the lift up, and you see the Eye key door over to your left, and a bridge. Cross the bridge and open the door. On the other side of this room is a button which opens causes the circular thing in the middle to spin around, revealing the Eye key. Grab it, and use it to open the Eye key door. Follow the passage, and you'll see the Fire key and another Eye key door across the bridge. Grab the key, and go through the Eye key door. Follow this passage all the way around, across another bridge, and open up the Fire key door. Push the symbol to end the level.

E3M4: The Sick Ward[edit]

Enter the building through the Emergency Room entrance. In the emergency room, there's a large metal door. Go through it and walk to your left. Find the information desk, enter the small room behind it, and kill the fat zombie to get the Eye key. Now just walk up the ramp and through the Eye key door. After going down the ramp, you'll see two passages, one to your right and left. Take the right path to the "Assisted Suicide Ward," and grab the Fire key. Now retrace your steps, and take the left passage. At the end of this passage, you'll find the Fire key door. Go through it, and find the chapel. Here, you'll find the Skull key, and the entrance to the secret level.

If you simply must go through the regular exit, use the lift on the other side of radiology. When you get off the lift, you'll see the Dagger key door in front of you, and the Skull key door around the corner. Enter the Skull key door, and open the metal door across the door marked "exit." Here, you'll find the Dagger key. So return to the Dagger key door, open it, and follow the passage to a metal door. Open that one, and you'll find the symbol to end the level.

To get to the secret level, grab the Skull key (opening the curtains), turn around, and look up. Shoot the little skull, and a passage will open behind where the curtains were. Follow it, and push the symbol to go to the secret level.

E3M8: Catacombs[edit]

Make your way forward to the double wooden doors. Go through them into an ornate room, and take the passage over to your right. Follow it down, until you get to the Eye key door. The passage to your right is blocked by bars, so take the passage to your left. Follow this path to a wide wooden door, which opens up to the entrance to the catacombs. Once in the catacombs, take the first right. You'll see two different Skull key doors down this path. After the second Skull key door, the path will go around a corner, and you'll see some candles lit up. In the second niche with candles, you'll see the Skull key on top of a tomb. Grab it and walk back to the wooden Skull key door. Enter it, and follow it around until you get to a switch. Pushing the switch will open bring you back to the ornate room. Go back toward the Eye key door, and you'll see that the bars on the right passage is no longer there.

Follow the passage until you get to the room where the door closes behind you, and you're ambushed. Kill everybody, and go down the passage to your right (it should open up for you, but if not, there's a button in one of the alcoves which should open it up for you). Go down the steps, and you'll be back in the ornate room again. Go across the room, and you'll see a switch on the right side of the room. Pushing it reveals a spiral staircase to your left. Climb it, and follow the passage along (you can take either fork) to the Eye key. Grab it, and the entrance will close up, trapping you in their with some zombies. After a little while, it will open back up, and make you way back to the Eye key door.

Go through the Eye key door, and you'll find an alcove with a lever. Pull it, and a button will be revealed behind you. Push it, and a door will open with the symbol you need to push to end the level.

E3M5: Spare Parts[edit]

In front of you is a switch, but you can't activate it yet. Instead go through the door over to your right, follow the path around, and go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, there will be a locked door to your left and a conveyor belt in front of you. Get on the conveyor belt, and carefully go through the crusher. At the end of the conveyor belt, turn to your left, and go out onto the ledge. Push the switch, and now you can activate the switch from the start. Retrace your steps, push the switch, then go back up to the locked door.

After you go through the door, you'll find another locked door. Push the button next to it, and duck. The lights will dim for a little while, flamethrowers will try to burn you, and finally zombies will try to kill you. After all this, the lights will come back on, and the door can now be opened. In front of you will be another metal door with a panel next to it. Don't mess with the panel, and just open up the door. Enter it, and you'll see another panel. Activate this one, and the room will spin. When the next door opens walk out, and look to your right. You'll see a raised platform with two buttons. Look down, and you'll see a slope. Jump down on it, walk around the back, and ride the lift up. Hit both buttons, and jump back down to ledge, and walk up the ramps to the tubes in front of you. You'll see a lever next to it, so push it. Now turn to your left, and you'll see a door marked "No Admittance." Quickly step into and out of the room, and you'll just miss getting smashed. Now go back toward the lever, and continue following the path into the area bathed in red light.

Go through the metal door, and down the ramp. You'll see a door with a panel next to it. Push the panel, and the ramp will fall down revealing a small room with a cultist and another panel. Push that panel, and the door will open, revealing a black and yellow striped door and another panel. Push the panel, open the door, and go down into the next room. On the other side of the room is a switch, which will open up the furnace. After pushing the switch, jump up to where the Guns Akimbo are, and jump down into the hole.

Quickly move away from the furnace, and up the conveyor belt (be careful of the crusher). Ride the conveyor belt down, and turn your left when you get into the next room. You'll see another conveyor belt and a lift. Ride that conveyor belt up to the lift, then take the lift up. Walk across the catwalk into the small office with three switches. Push the left and the right ones (don't touch the one in the middle), and the Skull key will eventually appear behind you. Grab it.

As you walk out of the office, you'll see a couple of cultists shooting at you from a newly opened window. Jump in the window, and go through the Skull key door. Go down the ramp, and through a door. Turn to your left, and you see Skull key door. Go through it, and go up the lift. Cross the catwalk, and you'll see, yet another Skull key door. Go through this one, and push the symbol to end the level.

E3M6: Monster Bait[edit]

Walk forward, and you'll come to a bridge going over to the ledge across from you. Stepping onto the ledge causes it to break, so quickly jump over to the ledge. Some of the walls will fall away, so follow the path along, across a metal bridge, down a lift, through a large metal, and eventually into a room with several panals. The two panels to your left and right are light switches, and the one on the counter in front of you opens the door to your left. Push it, and enter the newly opened door. At the end of the hall, jump up to the next switch, and turn it. A space opens up next to you, jump down and hit the next switch. Turn around, and you'll find yourself back in the room you just entered a little while ago, and now the other door is open. Enter into the newly opened passageway, and turn the switch at the end of the hall. Another space opens up in front of you with another switch. Turn that one, and the space to your left drops down. Enter into the new area, where you'll see some pipes and two switches. Hit both of the switches, and the doors in front of you will slowly open. Enter into the darkened room, and you'll find another switch and large wooden lever. Pull the wooden lever to start up the turbine, and then push the button to lower the lift.

Take the lift up, and follow the passage along through the metal door. After going through the door, you'll see a lift to your left. Take note of it for later. Instead, turn to your right, follow the passage, go up the stairs, and you'll find yourself in the turbine room. Look up and you'll see the Moon key out of reach. In between the turbines, you'll find a pair of control panels (one in each location). Activate both of them, and find the red door. Wait a moment, and the it'll open revealing a lift. Take it up, and cross the catwalks to get to the Moon key. Return to the lift I pointed out before.

Go up the lift, and follow the ledge until you see the bridge to your right. Cross over it, and through the Moon key door. Go up the stairs, and you'll see a switch (refered to from now on as main switch) in front of you. Now for one of the toughest puzzles in the game. Take note of the three red lines.

-Hit the main switch to reveal the dial on the right side -Turn the right side dial twice, and you'll see that the middle red line is now blue -Hit the main switch twice to reveal the dial on the left side -Turn the left side dial once, and you'll see the first line is now blue -Hit the main switch twice to reveal the dial on the right side -Turn the right side dial once, and you'll see the third line is now blue -Hit the main switch, and the door in front of you opens

Enter into the room, and you'll see a metal door to your right. Enter into, and follow the passage all the way to the end. To the the right of the box of shotgun shells, you'll find a panel. Push it, and the thing in the middle of the water will rotate around. Retrace you steps and go out the metal door. You'll find that you can now jump on the thing in the middle of the water. Jump on it, and find the switch on the other side. Turn it, and it will rotate again, allowing you to jump to the other side. Go up the ramp, and through the door. Turn to left, and walk around to the lift around the corner.

Take the lift up, and go to your left when you get to the top. Follow the passage through a door into a small warehouse. Make your way to the other side, through a door into a control room. Go through the door on the other side of the control room, and follow it to the lift. Take the lift up to top of the dam. Grab the Fire key, and jump into the shallow side of the dam (to your right as you enter). You'll see some barrels underwater, so shoot them. A hole will blow up in the dam, and the water level will rise. Surface, and you'll see a cave that you'll now be able to enter. Jump into it, and activate Fire key pillar at the end. The door in front of you will open, and jump into the flames to end the level.

E3M7: The Halls of Cerberus[edit]

Follow the passage until you get to the metal doors, and go through them. To get Cerberus to come out, you'll need to activate 4 skull symbols. Turn to your left and follow the passage. When you come to the first skull symbol, activate it and climb the stairs to your left. Follow the passage to the 2nd one, activate it, and head down the passage to your right. Follow it over the bridge, and past the elevator shaft, and push the 3rd one. Drop down the elevator shaft. Come out of the shaft, head to your right, and activate the 4th and final skull. Now Cerberus will come out to play in the are to your left.

Dead Reckoning[edit]


E4M1: Butchery Loves Company[edit]

Drop down (note the Skull key door to your right), go up the stairs behind you, and through the door. Run up the steps, grab the Skull key, retrace your steps, and go through the Skull key door. Go up the steps, and follow the hall to the second passage on your right. Go up the steps, across the wooden bridge, open the door under the "Brain Storage" sign, and grab the Eye key. Make your way back to the hall, turn right, and follow the hall around the corner to the Eye key door. Walk through the electrical beams to your left, and follow the hallway to the room at the end. Across from the third cage is a metal door. Go through it, and push the symbol to end the level.

E4M2: Breeding Grounds[edit]

Go up the steps, and walk all the way around the aquarium. You'll come to a room with the Skull key door to your right, and a metal double door in front of you. Go through the double doors, and kill the innocent in the next room to collect the Skull key. Return to the Skull key door, and go through it. In the next room is an Eye key door, and a spiral staircase. Take the stairs up, through the metal doors. After going through the metal doors, take the staircase to your left. When you get to the top, kill the cultist to get the Eye key.

Go back downstairs to the Eye key door, and go through it. Follow the corridor, up the stairs, and you'll find yourself facing a pool and another room to your right. Dive into the pool in front of you. Follow the underwater passage to your left, shoot open the vent, and keep swimming down the passage. You'll eventually find the symbol to end the level.

E4M3: Charnel House[edit]

Swim forward, and surface. Jump out of the water tower, and enter into the building through the metal door. You'll find a locked door, and window overlooking a bloody pit. Jump into the pit, and turn the switch. Now open the metal door, and go into the furnace area. Go through the passage in front of you, and take the second passage to your right, and you'll find yourself in a passage with a stream of water. Follow it down to the room with the staircase. Go up the stairs, and at the top of the stairs, follow the passage to your right. You'll find yourself in room with three arches in front of you and a hole over to your left. Go through one of the arches, and you'll find an aquaduct. Jump in and follow the flow. After you drop down, take the underwater passage forward into a larger area. Turn around, and you'll see a TNT barrel next to a pillar. Blow it up, surface, and jump on top of the pillar into aquaduct. At the end of the flow is a switch. Turning it opens up several doors, the first to your immediate right. Jump down and take the newly opened underwater passage. Follow it, surface, and jump into the area before you. To your left will be a waterfall, and to your right is a ramp leading up to the furnace. Take the ramp up, and you'll find yourself in front of fire. Quickly open the door to the right of the flame, and you'll find yourself in the furnace room again.

Turn left, and walk all the way down to the wall. Make another left, and walk all the way down to end. Take the ramp to left up, then take the passage to your right. At the first fork, go right. Follow it all the way down, and turn to your left. Go outside and you'll find yourself on a ledge. Turn right, and follow the path up the stairs into the water tower. After entering the water tower, you'll see another exit to your right down a wooden aquaduct. Jump on to it, and be careful not to fall into the hole at the end of it. Turn to left and take the passage all the way down to the symbol that ends the level.

E4M4: Crystal Lake[edit]

Walk forward, and enter the barn to your left. After entering the barn, go to the left, and pull the lever to ride the lift up to the 2nd floor. Head toward the right, jump down, and follow the path over to your right. Go through the metal door, up the steps, and through another metal door into the dining room. On the far side of the dining room, you'll find another passage leading to a room with a fireplace. Go through the passage across from the fireplace, and out the door to your right. Turn to your right, and follow the path around the house, into the woods, across a bridge, and you'll eventually find another building. Jump up on the porch, and enter the door on your left. Grab the Moon key, and go back outside. Continue along the path to your left, and you'll get to the outhouse requiring the Moon key.

Open it up and jump in. Sink all the way to the bottom, and follow the underwater passage. Follow it to the concrete underwater waterpassage, and follow it to your left. After turning the corner, take the second passage on your left. Swim to the end of it, turn the switch, swim through and surface at end. Jump up on to solid ground, and you'll see the exit symbol in front of you. Don't hit it. Instead, turn to your right, and shoot the wall a little bit to the left of the water. It's not marked, so look around. After blowing the hole in the wall, enter it, and push the symbol to go to the secret level.

E4M9: Mall of the Dead[edit]

Walk forward into the next room, and go up the escalator in front of you. Turn left, walk to the wall, turn left, and go up the ramp. Enter the K-Marche, and go into room to your right. Kill the stone gargoyle to get the Skull key. Go back outside the K-Marche. Turn to your right, and follow the passage around to the Skull key door. Go up the steps, and turn right. You'll see a couple of vents. The one in front of you a secret area (use the boots to get to it), so jump up into the one to your right. Follow it to the store room. Over to the left of the store room is a stack of crates leading up to a hole in the roof. Jump up into the roof, and push the symbol to end the level.

E4M5: Fire and Brimstone[edit]

Walk forward, and jump across the lava onto the path. Follow it along to the end. Turn to your left, and jump across to the part of the path. As you get to the end of the cave, you'll find a ramp leading up to your right, so follow it. It goes on for a while, but you'll eventually cross a short wooden bridge. To your left, is a pillar with a voodoo doll on it. Jump on it, then across to the next ledge, and then again to the next ledge. Turn to your left and follow the passage. You'll eventually come to a room with the Skull key. Just as you enter the room, you'll see a staircase on the left side of the room. Grab the key, and go up the stairs. Follow the path along, across the narrow ledge into the building. Walk forward, and go through the Skull key door. At the end of the room, take the wooden bridge to your left, and follow the ledge into the temple. As you come into the pillared room, you'll see a stone design behind the altar. Open it, and push the symbol behind it to end the level.

E4M6: The Ganglion Depths[edit]

Follow the passage in front of you until you get to the iron gate. Push the skull symbol next to it to open it. Continue along until the large wooden door, and use the skull symbol to open it. Walk to the iron gate, and you'll see the Fire key door to your right. Enter the passage to your left, take note of the Skull key door to your right, and continue to the end of the passage. Open the ornate door, and you'll see a metal pillar in the middle of the room, and two skull symbols past it. Push both of the skull symbols, and the pillar will lower revealing the Skull key. Grab the Skull key, and quickly run out of the room to avoid the fireballs. Enter the Skull key door.

Go down the steps, and you'll see the Eye key door to your right. Take note of it, and go through the wooden doors on the other side of the room. Go down the stairs, pick up the Eye key, and return to the Eye key door. Follow the passage around to a wooden door, and go through it (there's a fire behind the door). Just keep following the passage along, up some stairs, and you come to a room where a door will open and a gargoyle will attack you. Follow that one, down some stairs, and you'll eventually come to a room with the Spider key door. The Skull key is in the room next to this one. Go through the Spider key door, and grab the Fire key at the end of the passage. Push the skull symbol next to it, and step onto the wall that lowers down. Ride it back up, and you'll find yourself next to the Fire key door.

Follow the passage until you get outside. Follow the stairs down, and you'll come to a narrow ledge. Follow the ledge along, and jump across the gap. Follow the passage along, up the stairs and such, and you'll come to a lift. Take the lift up, and walk around to another lift. Take the lift down, walk across to another lift, and take that one down. Follow the passage around until you get to the bridge that blows up. Jump across, and the next bridge blows up. Jump across that one, and follow this passage along until you get to the symbol that ends the level.

E4M7: In the Flesh[edit]

Go down the fart elevator to your left. Follow the passage to your left into the next chamber, and go half-way down the passage to your left. Turn to your right, and follow the ramp down. As you go down, the pillars will lift up (not important to the walkthrough, just mentioned as a landmark). Jump into the green slime, and swim forward through the small hole in the wall. Don't surface in the next room (you'll come back to this room later), but continue on into the hole you see in front of you. Surface, and walk into the narrow path with the gillbeats in it. Push the skull symbol at the end of the path. Now jump back into the green slime, back through the hole you came through, and now surface in this room. Behind you, you'll see a passage. Follow it, and push the skull symbol. Turn around, walk back down the passage, around the two pools, into another passage. This leads into the heart, and as you make you way around the chambers, you'll find a hole in the wall. Jump into it, and push the symbol at the end of the passage to end the level.

E4M8: The Hall of the Epiphany[edit]

Enter into the temple. You'll see a skull in front of you, and a room to your left and to your right. Shoot the skull, and enter into the room to your left. Kill the stone gargoyle, then go to the room on the other side. Kill the giant spider, and a couple of more walls will lower revealing Cerberus. Kill him and enter into the throne room with the stone pillar. Push the pillar, and face down Tchernobog. Kill him to end the level and the game.

Post Mortem[edit]


E6M1: Welcome to your Life[edit]

Walk around to the front of the store, and enter through the front doors. Walk to the back of the store, and turn to your left. You'll see the Eye key at the far end of the store. Get it, then go up to the 2nd level of the store. Enter into the Manager's office on the right side of the store. Turn to your left and jump up on the drawers, then into the attic.

In the attic, you'll find a metal door. Opening it leads you out to the roof. Walk all the way to the end and turn to your left, and you'll see the Skull key. Get it, then jump down from the roof. You'll know be about where you started the level.

Jump over the crates, and walk all the way to the end of the alley. You'll see the Skull key door to your left. Enter into this storage area to find the Moon key. Keep walking through the storeroom, and you'll find yourself at another Skull key door. This ones leads back into the store.

Go up the ramp to you right, and get back up on the roof through the attic entrance in the Manager's Office. Walk across the roof, and enter into the Moon key door to your right. Push the symbol to end the level.

E6M2: They are Here[edit]

Walk out the opening room, jump down, turn to your right, and walk down to the end of the alley. Turn to your right and enter into the building. Following the passage until you get into a larger room, then take the exit to the right into a courtyard. Re-enter the building under the sign "Insmouth Corporate Plaza." Directly across from the phones is some stairs leading up. Follow the corridor, and you find yourself in a room with some steps. Climb them, and follow that corridor to the Pub and Grill. Exit the building to the door to your left.

Outside, you'll see the Fire door behind some Fire pods, turn left, and walk along the side of the building you just exited, and and re-enter the building through a different doorway. Walk down the corridors, descend the stairs (Watch out for the Gargoyle statues), and grab the Skull key. Retrace your steps to the Fire door, open it, and press the symbol to end the level.

M6M3: Public Storage[edit]

Walk forward, then take the first left turn, and walk (making your way through the crates) until you get to the wall. Turn to your left and you'll see the Skull key door. Walk toward it, turn to your right, and you'll see a wooden door over toward your right. Enter into the room and make your way to the Dagger key door. Blow open the vent to the right of the door, then use the crates behind you to jump into it. Follow the vent (ducking when you need to), and at the first fork, go right. Blow out the vent, and jump in the room, collecting the Dagger key in front of you. After getting the Key open the door to the right of the vent, and take the lift up.

After exiting the lift and turn right. You'll see a room with a switch to your right, and a wooden door up ahead on your left. Push the switch to open the large doors through the window, then go back and enter into the wooden door I just mentioned. You'll see a manager's office on the ledge across the way, which you can do by jumping on the boxes over toward your right. Jump over, enter the office, and grab the Skull key.

Jump down from the manager's office, and make your way forward and to your left, until you come to a ramp. Go up the ramp, and through the large doors you opened just a little while ago. You can now use the crates to jump to the small Skull key door across from you, or enter in through the large Skull key door on ground level. Regardless, you'll soon find yourself next to some large metal doors and a conveyor belt of some kind. Push the switch next to the large metal doors, then open the metal doors, and enter the room. Cross it, and open the wooden doors ahead of you to find the symbol to end the level.

E6M4: Aqueducts[edit]

Make your way around the crates, past the "Stay Out" sign, and find the switch in the next area. It won't work until you turn the power on, so turn to your left, and go down the ramp. Blow up the TNT barrel on top of the machinery, and get the Diving Suit. Now, break the window, jump into the pool of water, and follow either one of the underwater tunnels. When you get to a fairly large area, swim up into the control near the top of the room. Quickly push all three buttons to turn the power back on. Now retrace your steps to the switch that didn't work earlier.

Hit the switch, and go through gates that open up. Jump down into the water, and make your way around the underwater area to retrieve the Skull key. After picking up the keys, look around a little, and you'll find a passage (facing the key, it's over toward your right). Follow it along, and surface into a secret area. Push the button to open the wall. Walk through the newly opened wall, and walk across the walkway to your right. Hit the switch, wait for the room to rotate, and walk across the walkway to the Skull key door.

After going through the Skull key door, follow it along until you get to the room with the Electrical beams. Go through them, and enter the passage on the other side. After you climb some stairs, you'll come to a switch. Hit it, and the stairs you just climb will flip. Now climb up the stairs again, follow the passage, and get the Fire key. After you get the key, turn around, and jump down on the left side. Go up the ramp, and you'll soon find yourself back in the spinning room (use your auto-map if you get lost). Hit the switch, and head toward the Fire key door--it's at the other end of one of the walkways.

Go through the Fire key door, and through the door on the other side of the room (remember to open the cabinet next to the door to get another Diving Suit). Smash the window to your left (wait a moment and the cultists will do it for you), jump onto the ship, run straight across, and jump off the other side. Turn around, and blow the crack on the side of the ship. Once the explosions subside, jump back onto the deck, and go through door. On the other side of the partially submerged room, you'll find an underwater passage. Go through it, and you'll find a large wooden door on the right side of the next room. Go through this door, grab the Spider key (and the Diving Suit behind the crates), and go back through the door. Go forward, and around the corner, you'll see the Spider door in this room. Enter it, and get the Moon key. Now retrace your steps to the Spinning room. Take the other walkway to get to the Moon key door. Hit the switch, and go through the newly opened door. Follow the passage along, and jump in the water. Go with the flow, and hit the underwater symbol to end the level.

E6M5: The Ruined Temple[edit]

Swim into the next area, and surface. Jump onto the pier, and enter the building. Go through the doors to your left, and follow the stairs up. After going through a couple of doors, you'll find yourself in an outdoor area (take note of the other wooden door here, we'll be coming back here later in the game). Just as you enter this area, turn to your left, and walk forward until you come to a dead end. Just to the right of the dead end, there's a doorway. Go through it, and follow the passage around until you get to a ledge that surrounds another room. Jump down, and follow the passage to a room with this giant thing in the middle of the room (any guesses on what this is supposed to be?). Pick up the eye key, and leave the room the way you came in. On the right side of the passage, you'll find a room. Enter it, and take the ramp back up to the ledge where you had just jumped down from. Turn to your left, take that passage around, and you'll find yourself back outside with the Eye key door in front of you. Enter it, grab the Fire key, and find your way back to the wooden door I told you to take note of earlier. Enter it, go through the Fire key door, and push the symbol to end the level.

E6M6: Forbidden Rituals[edit]

After you go through the wooden door, go over to your right, and collect the Dagger key. Use it to go through the Dagger key door in the same area. Go forward, and go through the small wooden door to your left. Shoot the X-shaped beams, and drop down. Jump down into the pit. Follow the passage, shoot your way through the grate which blocks your way, and keep following the passage until you get to the caged zombie. Pick up the Moon key, and take the lift up. Follow the passage along until you get to the forbidden ritual with the pool of red water in the center. From here, you'll see the Moon key door. Shoot the symbol above the Moon key door, and the wall to your left will open up to reveal the exit to the secret level. The regular exit is behind the Moon key door. Just take the lift down to get to it.

E6M9: Forgotten Catacombs[edit]

Go around the corner, and activate the switch to call the lift down. Take it up (note the Skull key door to your left), and follow the passage to your right to the Skull key. Retrace your steps, and go through the Skull key door. After you go through a metal door, you'll see a wooden bridge leading the Eye key door on your left. Underneath the wooden bridge is the Eye key, jump down, and grab the key. It shouldn't prove to be too difficult find your way back to the Eye key door. Go through it, across the wooden bridge, and down the ramp to your right. Go through the metal door, grab the Fire key, and go back up the ramp. Keep going forward, and across another wooden bridge to the Fire key door. Go through it, and push the symbol to end the level.

E6M7: The Dungeon[edit]

Set the symbols in front of you to Spider, Dagger, Moon (you'll see these symbols next to the doors that open). Go down the now opened passage to your left. When the floor falls out beneath you, turn around and push the panel that will eventually be revealed. Turn around, and enter the door that just opened. Go up the stairs, and enter the room in front of you with the two Gargoyle statues. Over to your left, you'll see the Dagger key. Jump down, grab the key, and enter the doorway underneath where the two gargoyle statues were (Hmmm, wonder what happened to them?). When you get into the room with the stairs behind you, take them up. When you get to the top, two walls will open up one at a time. Kill everybody, and hit the switch in one of them (the first of three), and another wall will open. Enter the teleporter in it, and you'll be teleported to a room next to the starting position.

Set the symbols to Dagger, Spider, Spider. Enter the newly opened door in front of you. To your right, you'll find a small room with a lift. Take the lift up, and follow the passage around (take note of the Skull key door), and you'll soon find the Skull key. Retrace your steps, and go through the Skull key door. Hit the switch (2nd of 3), and retrace your steps back to the starting room.

Set the symbols to Moon, Fire, Dagger. Enter the newly opened door to your right, and find your way to a wooden door. Enter it, push the switch, and leave the room. A newly opened area will be over to your left. Enter it, and pull the large wooden lever. Head back toward the starting room, and you find a newly opened passage (you can't miss it, you're going to be attacked from it). Go into it, and walk all the way forward, around the corner, and up the stairs. You'll eventually get to the room with the Moon key. Grab it, and jump out the window. Go through the Moon key door, and push the final switch. Go back outside, find the stairs, and find your way back to the starting room (use the auto-map if you get lost). You'll find that another door has been opened up here, and follow it to the symbol that ends the level.

E6M8: Beauty & the Beast[edit]

Kill all the Priests. When they're all dead, a wall will lower in the center of the map to reveal the symbol to end the game.

Cryptic Passage[edit]

Level 1: Boat Docks[edit]

Jump out of the boat onto the dock. Follow the dock up the moutain pass, and follow it across the wooden bridge. As you'll enter the area, the path will branch off. In front of you is the Skull key door, and to your right another path. Follow it along (there are numerous small areas with supplies), and you'll eventually find another wooden bridge. Cross it, and grab the Skull key. Return to the Skull key door and enter it.

To the left side of the room is a staircase. Follow it up into the cabin. Enter the door at the top of the stairs, and follow the hall to the end. Before you is the Dagger key door. Turn to your right, and you'll see another wooden door. Enter it, and turn the switch to your right. Quickly turn around, walk out of the bathroom, and enter the kitchen to your left. There is now a door open next to a wooden steering wheel. If it closes before you can enter it, go back and turn the switch in the bathroom again. Go up the steps, and go toward the left side of the room. This causes the wall on the right side of the room to crack open, revealing some zombies and the Dagger key. Grab the Dagger key, and you'll hear a door open. Turn around, and you'll see a passage over to your right, where a door has just opened revealing a switch. Turn the switch and return to the Dagger key door.

Go through the Dagger key door, and turn to your left. You'll see a cave in the rock face. Enter it, and you'll find two passages. The one to your left leads to the Moon key door, so take note of it, and head down the right path. Go down the stairs and into the area with the lighthouse. On the other side of the lighthouse, the cellar doors have been removed, and you can enter it here. As you enter the lighthouse, you'll see a locked wooden door to your left, and some steps to your right. Remember this door, as we'll come back to it in just a few moments. Climb the stairs to the top. You'll come to an area with a hole in the roof and a wooden barrel. Jump up on the barrel, and up through the hole onto the top of the lighthouse. Walk around the lighthouse, and hit the switch. Now go back down to the door I told you to remember. It's now open, and you can go in and grab the Moon key. Jump back out of the lighthouse the way you came in, and backtrack to the passage leading to the Moon key door.

Go through the Moon key door, and turn to your left. Follow the path along and enter the cave to your right. Walk along, and you'll see a hole in the floor. Jump down, and turn the switch to the right of the door. Now go through the open doors, and turn to your right. Follow that path along, and enter the cave to your right. Push the symbol to end the level.

Level 2: Old Opera House[edit]

Follow the path and go through the iron gate. To your left, you'll see the Old Opera House. Enter it, and go up the stairs to your right. Walk to the end of the hall, and enter the box seating to your left. Pick up the Moon key, and return to the street. Turn to your left, and follow the street down to the alley. Walk to the end of the alley, and enter the doorway to your left. Go down the stairs, and through the Moon key door.

Go all the way forward and turn to your left. Go up the stairs, and turn to your left. Just to the left of the lever is the entrance to the stage. Walk onto the stage, and jump into the hole on the floor (note: you can also get down to this area by going in the room to the right of the lever, up the elevator, across the catwalk, and down another elevator). Grab the Spider key, and go through the Spider key door.

To your right is the Dagger key door, and there's a wooden door to your left. Enter the wooden door, and kill the Cultists to collect the Dagger key. Now, go through the Dagger key door. Go forward, and jump into the water. Turn around, and you'll see an underwater passage. Enter it, and drop down to the bottom of the next room. To your right, you'll find the Fire key. Grab it, and return to where you first jumped into the water. Go through the tunnel to your left, turn the corner, and swim until you're blocked by the bars. Dive down, and take the underwater passage to your left. Surface in the next room, and jump out of the water. Go up the spiral staircase, through the Fire key door, and push the symbol to end the level

Level 3: Gothic Library[edit]

Go up the steps, and into the library. Keep going forward, past the circular room (take note of the Eye key door here), until you reach the Moon key door. Turn to your right, and walk around the corner. You'll see a wooden door in front of you, and there's a button to open it on the bookshelves on the right side of the room. Hit the button, and go through the now-opened door. In the middle of the stacks you'll find the Eye key, collect it, and push the button next to the door to get back out this room. Return to the circular room, and go through the Eye key door.

To your right, you'll see an over-turned bookshelf. Go to the other side of it, and crouch down. You'll see a button on the over-turned bookshelf which opens the bookshelves to your left. Push it, enter the room, grab the fire key, and push the button to get back out the way you came in. Return to the circular room, and walk toward the entrance of the library. To your left, you'll see a staircase leading up to the second floor. Go up stairs, and enter the Fire key door.

Take the stairs up, and as you enter the stacks on the upper floor, immediately turn to your left. Walk forward, go around the corner, and you'll see a button on the bookcase to your right. Push it, and a bookcase will open up before you. Go in, grab the Moon key, and push the button to get back out. Go back down to the first floor, past the circular room, and through the Moon key door. Go forward, around the corner, and push the symbol to end the level.

Level 4: Lost Monastery[edit]

Follow the path into the "Holy Order of Carpathia," and go down the stairs. When you get to the Fire key door, turn right. There's some steps leading down to the Moon key door, and a path just to the right of the steps. Follow the path, go up the staircase, and follow the hall until you get outside. Once outside, you'll see a staircase over to your left (take note of this for later), and some steps leading down in front of you. Go down the steps, and enter the building through the passage to your left. Go down some steps, through a wooden door, and hit the switch you find in the room. Now go back to stairs I pointed out a moment ago, go up them, grab the Moon key, and jump down through the hole in the floor.

You're now back in the room with the Moon key door, go through it, and you'll soon find yourself back outside in front of a small churcher. Enter the church, and go up the staircase on your left. When you get upstairs, jump through one of the windows, turn to your right, and follow the roof around the corner. You'll find window into another room, so jump in, and go down the stairs. Pick up the Fire key, and retrace your steps to the Fire key door.

Go through the Fire key door, and enter the cave over to your left. Enter the cave, and after a long trek (across a few wooden bridges), you'll come back outside in an area outdoor area with a bell tower. On the other side of the bell tower is a well. Jump into it, sink all the way to the bottom, and follow the underwater passage to the next area. Surface, and jump up onto the ledge. You'll see a small stream going into the rockface. Jump in, and go with the flow. After you drop down a couple of waterfalls, you'll find yourself in the area where the Eye key is. Jump up, grab the Eye key, and jump back in the water and go with the flow again.

Eventually, you'll go over a waterfall and find yourself in still water. From here you should see two paths. Take the one of the left (you'll have to jump up a little to get into it), and follow it back down to the bell tower. Go up the stairs of the bell tower, through the Eye key door, up some more stairs, and ring the bell. Now go back outside, and you'll find the stone archways. Go through the archway, around the corner, and hit the switch to end the level.

Level 5: Steamboat[edit]

Turn to the right, follow the deck around, and go up the metal stairs. At the top of the stairs, turn around, and go to the front of the ship. Turn to your left, go halfway down the hall, and enter the passage on your right. Just beyond the metal doors in front of your is the Skull key door (make note of it for later). Turn to your left, and enter the room on the left side of the hall. Grab the Spider key, and retrace your steps back to the metal staircase.

After going down the steps, turn around, and go to the rear of the boat. You'll find the "Rotting and Lifeless Members Louge," so use the Spider key door, and enter it. Inside you'll find two metal doors, and one wooden door. Enter the wooden door, find the lever, hit it, and walk back out of the room. One of the metal doors will now be open, so enter it, and follow the steps down into the boiler room. If you go over to your left, you'll find a "Exit" sign (take note of this for later). Instead, you want to go down the small tunnel with a metal door at the end (this is to your right as you enter the boiler room). Enter it, grab the Skull key door, and retrace your steps to Skull key door (it's located behind the metal doors near where you found the Spider key).

Go through the Skull key door, and you'll see a metal panel to your right. Open it, and you'll see a lever marked "Exit." Pull it, and return the boiler room. You'll now find the door next to the "Exit" sign is open. Go through it, enter the room on your right, pull the lever next to the "Danger" sign, and a door will open up in the room behind you. Enter it, and push the symbol to end the level.

Level 6: Graveyard[edit]

Go forward, and up the steps. Follow the walkway, but do not enter the next area of the graveyard (take note of the Skull key door on the tomb though). Instead, look to your right and you'll see a passage. Enter the passage, and follow the walkway all the way to a room with three posts. On one of the posts is a switch. Hit it, and the middle post will lower revealing the Skull key. Grab it, and retrace your steps, and enter Skull key door.

After you go down the steps, you'll find yourself in what appears to be a dead end. But you'll notice that one of the tombs is blood stained. Push it, and a passage opens up behind it. Follow that path, and after you go through a wooden door, you'll come to a fork in the passage. Down the left fork lies the Dagger key door (take note of it). Since you don't have the key, take the right fork. When you get to the room with hole in the floor jump in. Hit the switch, wait for the panel to lower, grab the Dagger key, and go up the stairs to the room you just jump down from. Now go back down the steps, and enter the Dagger key door.

You'll soon find yourself in a room with the Fire key door, the Eye key door, and a wooden door. Go through the wooden door, and then through another wooden door, and you'll be in a room with a wooden staircase and a short hallway. Go up the stairs, through a couple of wooden doors, down the steps, and pull the lever. You'll see that a switch is now opened in the short hallway. Retrace your steps, go down the hallway, hit the switch, and through the door it opens.

On the other side of this room are two staircases leading up, take either one of them, and push the hand on the wall at the top of the stairs. This opens up a switch behind you, hit it, and the Eye key is revealed. Quickly jump on the beam, cross it, and collect the Eye key. Now retrace your steps to the Eye key door.

Go through the Eye key door, and you'll see a wooden door and a pool of water. Jump in the water. Near the bottom on the right side, you'll find a switch. Hit it, and surface, and go through the now-opened door. Go down some steps, through another wooden door, and up the stairs. Drop down the hole, and look around. You'll find a wooden door with a lever next to (we'll use this later), and another wooden door. Enter the wooden door, go through the hole in the wall to your right, grab the Fire key, and return to the door with the lever next to it. Pull the lever, and go through the door. Now go through the door to your right, up the steps, and you'll find yourself next to the pool of water again. Just walk through the door, up the steps, and through the Fire key door.

Follow the path along, across a bridge, through some doors, until you get to the room with the fireplace. To get to the secret level, jump into the fireplace, and follow the passage to the symbol to end the level. For completion sake, I'll include the regular exit. Go up the steps, hit the switch to raise some stairs, then climb the stairs, and follow the passage to the symbol to end the level.

Level 10: Boggy Creek[edit]

Just as the level begins, turn around, and jump out the boat. Walk along and you'll come to a cabin. Now find the boat next to it. Now, if you like, you can take advantage of a bug in the level. Get in the boat, and face front ot it. Now jump out, and walk to wall. If you jump up, and move back and forth along the wall, you'll eventually find the spot where you jump through it. Then, all you have to do is walk forward, and push the symbol to end the level. I recommend that you don't do this, and play the level correctly.

Okay, we're back at the boat. Next to the boat, and across from the cabin is a small outhouse. Enter it, and grab the Spider key. Now if you head back toward where you jumped off the first boat, you'll find a fork in the creek. Take the left passage, and look for a spot on your left where you can jump up on dry land. Now follow this along until you get to a delapidated cabin. Enter the cabin, and find the Spider key door (it's on the first floor). Go through it and go down the stairs into the cellar.

After you enter the cellar, the door will close behind you. A bit of a problem. Now look around for the Skull key, but don't grab it yet. To the left of the key (this is facing it) is a column with a switch on the other side of it. Hit the switch to open the door. Now grab the key, and run back to the door to avoid fighting the Giant Spider. Now all you need to do is fight your way back to the first cabin.

Behind the boat are a couple of columns. On one of them is a switch that requires the Skull key. Now that you have it, push the switch, and a section of the swamp will open up in front of you. Now all you need to do is wakk forward, and push the symbol to end the level.

Level 7: Mountain Pass[edit]

Go up the steps, and follow the path along until you get to the Skull key door. Turn to right, jump down, and enter through the doorway in front of you. Take the path to your left into the warehouse (remember the right fork for later). Find the forklift, and get in it. Push the panel, and the forklift will back up. Use the forklift to jump up into the room. Hit the switch, and a door will open up across the way. Jump back down into the forklift, push the panel; and when the forklift gets back to the other side of the room, use it to jump up into the newly opened door. Walk around the corner, until you find a switch. Hit the switch to open the lift's doors below you, now jump down, hit the lever to call the elevator up, and enter the elevator. Hit the lever to ride it down.

Follow the passage, up some stairs, and keep going until you find the teleporter. Enter it, and you'll be in a room with a crack in front of you. Grab the Eye key, and blow the crack. After the water finishes rising up, go up the steps, and into the Eye key door (it's on the left side). Jump across the chasm (better save first), and ride the lift up. Then jump across the gap in the wooden bridge, and make your way across the narrow ledge. Walk down the passage, open the stone door, and push the pillar in the next room to get the Skull key. Grab the Skull key and retrace your steps to the warehouse, and go back outside toward the Skull key door.

You can't jump back up there, but if you remember the right fork I pointed out earlier, you can follow it to a teleporter that will take you to the Skull key door. Go through it, and another stone door; then jump across the chasm, and then across a gap in a wooden bridge and you'll come to the Fire key door. To your right, you'll find a narrow ledge. Carefully, follow it around, grab the Fire key, and return with it to get through the Fire key door.

Follow the path around, through a couple of doors, until you get to the room with a pillar in the middle of it. It also contains three teleporters, only one of which is open. Enter it, and use the moving pillar to get across the chasm, push the pillar on the other side; and return to the teleporter. Now, another teleporter is open (it directly in front of you). Enter it, and follow the ledge around to another pillar. Push it, and some bars will raise up, and you'll have to deal with a Giant Spider. After a little bit of time, the bars will raise. When you return to where you came in, you'll find that you're way is blocked. Wait a little while (you might as well battle the Spider while you're waiting), and you'll be able to get back to the teleporter. When you get back, the third teleporter will be open (again, right in front of you). Enter it, then go down the steps, and push the pillar. Grab the Moon key, and battle the Hell hounds while you wait for the steps to rise back up. Enter the teleporter, and push the pillar.

After the stairs descend, follow them down, and head outside. Walk around the structure, jump across the chasm, and step on the square. The structure will lower down, revealing another teleporter. Enter it, and go into the cave by the "Danger" sign. Jump into the water, and push the symbol to end the level.

Level 8: Abysmal Mine[edit]

Swim into the next area, and surface. Jump up on one of the boxes, and then jump up onto the higher area. Shoot the TNT barrel to blow the door open. Walk through, and blow up the TNT barrels to your right, to reveal some water. Jump in, grab the Fire key, and jump back out. Over toward your right, you'll find a wooden door. Go through it, across the bridge, and through the Fire key door. Go up the steps, and around the corner. You'll see the Skull key inside of a container. Push the panel across from it to open it. Quickly jump in, grab the key, and jump out. If it closes back up before you get out, just use the conveyor belt in the room below you to get back up. Now retrace your steps through the Fire key door, and through the wooden door.

Jump down into the passage before you, and to the right of the mining car, you'll find the Skull key door. Go through it, grab the Spider key (underneath this coffin is a Life Seed), and retrace your steps to the Fire key door. When you're standing on the wooden bridge, look down on the left side to see the Spider key door. Jump down, and go through it. Follow the passage along, through the waterfall, grab the Eye key and return to the Spider key door. Go through it, and use the waterfall on your right to jump back up. Go through the Fire key door, jump down into the room below, and go through the Eye key door. Jump into the second mining car, and push the symbol to end the level.

Level 9: Castle[edit]

Ride the mining car to the end of the corridor, then jump out and go through the door to your right. Follow the walkway until you enter a door into a room with a walkway surrounded by water. Follow it around, through another door, and go across the drawbridge into the castle. Take note of the Skull key door to your left, and take the passage to your right. Go down the stairs, and through the ornate door. In the next corridor, you'll find a locked ornate door, and a wooden door. Go through the wooden door, and enter the room to your right. At the end of this passage, you'll find three prison cells. Look in the third cell, push the switch, and return to the locked ornate door, which is now opened.

Go down the steps, around the corner, over the stone bridge (take note of this for later), and up some more steps into a large room with pillars. On the right side of this room, you'll find a room with a button. Push it, and return to the stone bridge. Turn to your left, and jump into the newly opened passage. Follow the passage along, grab the Skull key, then return to the Skull key door. Go through it, and take note of the Eye key door to your right. Follow the passage to your left, until you go through some wooden doors into a room filled with suits of armor. Walk forward to to the grandfather clock, turn right, go around the corner, and walk through the next two room. At the end of the Dining room (there's a wine bottle on the table you can pick up--doesn't do anything though), you'll find some stairs leading up to the second floor. Go up them and through the double doors to collect the Eye key (there's a Death Mask in the other room which might prove useful in obtaining the Eye key). Now retrace your steps to the Eye key door.

Open the Eye key door, and enter the teleporter. Now walk along until you get to the giant door with the four buttons. To your right, you'll see a door with an ornate Gargoyle on it. Guess what you'll have to fight to get the key behind that door. Well, double your guess, and go in and grab the key. On the left side of the giant doors, you'll find an ornate door with a spider on it. Go in and grab the key (do it quickly, and you don't have to fight the Spider. Now push all four buttons, and enter into the swirling thing in the center of the room.

You'll find yourself in front of a small barge. Get on it, and push the hand print to wait for it to take you to the temple in front of you. When you get to the other side, jump out, enter the temple, and you'll find yourself facing not one, but two Cerberus's. There's a button in the room which will lower a Death Mask which will help you out, but it lowers really slowly. I found the best way to defeat them was to wait until they drop down into the pit below you, then move over the side and drop TNT on them. However you kill them, when you do, you'll collect two more keys, which will open the doors in this room. Push the symbol, and watch the cutscene. Truth be told, it's more of a slide show, but the music is pretty cool.

Walkthroughs were written by Steven Clubb Copyrighted 1998 by I AM...BAYTOR!!! productions