Shogo: Sex and Violence By Hamish Paul Wilson. Edited by Graham L. Wilson. Thanks to Monolith Productions for the Shogo game and characters. “Admiral report to duty!” Sanjuro stirred in his bed, and eventually opened his eyes. “Sanjuro, you're going to be late!” Sanjuro felt Kura shake his chest, and then grudgingly glanced at the clock. “Alright, I am getting up!” He quickly ate and dressed before Kura was finally able to pull him towards his allotted post on the Leviathan's bridge. It was only then that he noticed that, to some surprise, she was not wearing her standard combat uniform. She had instead substituted her regular and functional pants for an almost ostentatiously decorative skirt. Sanjuro would have moved to ask her about this, but after considering the fact that he was already rather late in arriving for his post, decided that it would probably be best for him to leave it alone for now. “Admiral reporting for duty!” Sanjuro proclaimed upon finally entering the bridge, turning the heads of everyone stationed in the room. “Admiral, Commander Akkaraju” the Commander who was in charge of the morning shift acknowledged respectfully, allowing Sanjuro to retake his now familiar seat without protest. The Commander then proceeded to head off in search of his mandatory rest leave, leaving the ship once again in the hands of its still too green and perennially tardy Admiral. “I should meet with my squad, see you later Admiral” Kura whispered affectionately into Sanjuro's ear. Her voice seemed to have a different, lighter, more feminine quality than usual. He watched her leave now more sure than ever that Kura must have been planning something. “Never mind” Sanjuro eventually decided, his thoughts finally returning back to his work. “I will have more than enough opportunity to bring this all up with her later.” Sanjuro, after a routine shift, soon retired for his afternoon leave. He proceeded to meet up with Kura and Kathryn, who he knew would be waiting up for him in his quarters. Upon finally entering their collective accommodations an unfamiliar, if still not disagreeable, scent greeted Sanjuro's nostrils. “What is that smell?” he asked to the air curiously. “I am trying something...” he heard Kathryn's voice come from one of their secondary rooms. After becoming an Admiral, Sanjuro had been given far larger quarters than the regular Commanders inhabited, something that allowed him to sustain their current triple occupancy. “And that would be?” Sanjuro inquired as he seated himself down besides his own dining room table, his nose still being tickled by the mysterious odour. “She is trying to cook...” Kura commented, rolling her eyes. She was still wearing her outfit from the previous morning. “If Samantha can do it, why can't I?” Kathryn postulated from the kitchen, more than a little scornfully. She had obviously detected her sister's tone. “Whatever” Kura replied, but gave Sanjuro a look that roughly translated into the expression “she's crazy”, something that Sanjuro found a bit ironic given her current state. He decided that now might be a good time to ask about Kura's new choice in clothing. “What is the outfit about?” he asked her quietly, not sure that he wanted Kathryn to hear. Kura smiled a dirty little smile. “I'm trying to get your attention” she replied, still smirking. “For what purpose?” Sanjuro asked, raising his eyebrows. “I promised myself a few things while I was on that spy mission...” she continued, her voice still far more airy than was her usual custom. Sanjuro was not particularity happy with the way this conversation was turning. “And if it was not for Kathryn I would have already had it” Kura finished, her tone crashing down into a more common malice. “Look, there are some things I can not share” Sanjuro replied, gesturing in the direction of the kitchen. Kura looked disappointed for a few moments, but then a thought that was evidently dirty entered her suggestible mind. “You know...” she encouraged coaxingly, “you could have an orgy...” “No!” Kathryn exclaimed as she entered the room. Kura's smile was wiped off her face. “Look, just because you're a virgin...” Kura snapped. The comment made Kathryn's face go white as untouched snow, a somewhat strange counterpoint symbolically. “Umm...” Sanjuro started, but was cut off by a nervous glance from Kathryn. There would be another opportunity to explain the truth. “Anyway...” Sanjuro said briskly, trying to change the direction of the conversation. “Is the meal done?” “Oh, yes” Kathryn replied distractedly before walking back into the kitchen, coming back out carrying a steaming pot. She placed the pot on a mat on the table, and then got out three bowls, three spoons, and a ladle. She then put even portions of the steaming something into the bowls and then handed them over to Sanjuro and Kura, waiting expectantly for them to try it. Sanjuro endeavoured a spoon full. “It is good” he observed truthfully, and let out a little smile. Kura then tried a sip, and was evidently about to make some sort of wisecrack, before Sanjuro proactively silenced her with a commanding glance from the other side of the table. She then simply commented a non-committal “good” and carried on with with her meal. Everyone now reasonably satisfied, the party of three proceeded to eat the rest of their soups in silence. The evening shift was once again typical and routine; after the Cronus had affair ended and the raiders on Capricorn had been crushed there was not much left for UCA ships to do other than random posturing and troop movement. Commanding the Leviathan could be extremely boring sometimes, and it was a relief for Sanjuro when the clock finally struck 8:30 and allowed him to hand the reins of command to yet another one of his Commanders. He was greeted by the friendly faces of Kura and Kathryn when he entered the mess hall for dinner. Kura was still wearing her skirt, and gave Sanjuro a little wink when he sat down besides her and Kathryn. Despite their last conversation she was no closer to giving up. Kathryn then decided to begin a different conversation. “There is no reason why you can't change the Leviathan's movements right?” she asked as their meals arrived. Pizza, since they all had a rather boring day and needed a treat to brighten it up. “As far as I am aware...” Sanjuro responded as he picked up a slice. “Why do you ask?” “There is a communications seminar on Earth in a couple weeks” she replied, taking her own slice. “I was wondering if I could attend.” “Sounds fine to me” Sanjuro responded, taking a bite out of his. In some ways it would actually be ideal, as it provided a good work rational for a trip that he had already wanted anyway. Toshiro and Baku had just been saying that they were considering taking a visit to Earth, and now Sanjuro had an excuse to provide them with one; it would not be hard to convince High Command of the trip's worth, given that there was very little else of interest happening. “Do you ever think about anything but work?” Kura asked scornfully. Kathryn thought it best to ignore that remark, and continued to eat her pizza. Ever since Kura had gotten this new mood she had become a lot more friendly to Sanjuro but more crabby with Kathryn. Sanjuro was defiantly not enjoying this trend, as he hated to see them fight, especially when he knew that in many ways he was the cause of it. He sighed softly and carried on with his supper. It had definitely been a long day. Sanjuro, Kura, and Kathryn all decided on a early night upon returning back to their quarters; Sanjuro did not even bother changing into his night clothes, and instead just took off his shoes and climbed into bed. Kura, however, tried her best to make a display of her changing, refusing to let up on her less than subtle seducing campaign. Kathryn happened to notice, and shot a quick questioning glance at Sanjuro, who replied with only a simply shrug. The two sisters then went to their respective places beside Sanjuro's bed. Sanjuro leaned over to the left side of the bed and kissed Kathryn, who smiled back at him contentedly. He then leaned over to the right side and kissed Kura, who gave him another dirty smirk in response. She was certainly persistent. Sanjuro, despite spending the day in mediocrity, felt extremely tired, and fell asleep soon after kissing his two lovers. The last thing he felt before falling off into dreamland was a light kiss on his hand from Kura's side of the bed, something that stayed with him long into his nocturnal thoughts. Sanjuro woke up for once not by the hand of either Kura or Kathryn, but by his own biological clock. He quickly rose to discover that there still was a good half-hour before he had to report for duty on the bridge. He was going to enjoy this. “Wake up Commander” Sanjuro said as he jostled Kura, who was still snoring lightly into her pillow. Her keen soldier's senses woke her up instantly, and she was about to attack her apparent aggressor before she finally realized that it was just Sanjuro who woke her. “Don't you ever do that again!” she protested angrily. “You do that to me every morning” Sanjuro replied smugly, glad to no longer be on the receiving end of such torment. “That is because you always sleep in” Kathryn chimed in irritably, having been woken up by the commotion. After soothing the nerves of his two angered lovers, Sanjuro decided that it really would be a treat to report to the bridge at the nearest opportunity. “What will they think when they see me arriving early for once?” Sanjuro thought pleasantly to himself, before heading out the door. He had an uneventful journey to the bridge, and soon after reporting in left his chair to head off to his very own Admiral's back room. There he sat down in his other now familiar chair and typed in a few commands on his desk terminal. “Leviathan calling High Command, do you read me?” Sanjuro said in his official tone of voice, the comment being recorded by the terminal's built-in microphone. The computer sent the voice signal through the depths of space, reaching its intended destination quite a few moments later. “High Command here, what is it Admiral Makabe?” the Communications Secretary at High Command responded, accommodating for some of the signals unavoidable latency. “I would like to request that I be able to move the Leviathan back towards Earth. There is not much reason for my ship to stay here, and I have received several requests for leave and further education on Earth. As such, I fervently suggest you allow my suggestion” Sanjuro desperately tried to forget the absurdity of the way he had to talk when he needed to conduct his business officially. The computer once again sent the message through space, and once again the officer on the other end of the line needed to accommodate for the latency. “High Command allows your decision Admiral” the Secretary relayed finally. “You have clearance to leave tomorrow. High Command out.” Sanjuro cut the voice link and left the room, retaking his seat on the main bridge. He never had too much trouble dealing with High Command, but he was never comfortable with contacting them. He always felt like a trapped animal when he asked for movement changes, but at least for now he had free movement. Another day of monotony; Sanjuro began to wonder whether people needed vacations more from this than from doing actual military action. At least High Command had approved their trip to Earth, and he would have good news to report to Kura and Kathryn by the time he finally reached home. Sanjuro once again was greeted by the scent of cooking wafting from the kitchen when he entered his quarters, and allowed himself an unconscious smile. He was actually enjoying eating freshly prepared food. “Where is Kura?” Sanjuro asked, noticing she was not back yet. “Probably still with her security squad” Kathryn replied, before moving to taste her pasta to see if it was finished softening. “We got permission to go to Earth” Sanjuro commented, as Kathryn took out plates and utensils to serve our their now finished meal. “So where exactly is this seminar located anyway?” “A place called Edmonton, in North America I think” Kathryn answered as she started serving out their pasta and sauce. “I am sure it will be good for everyone to get off the Leviathan again.” As she spoke, the door suddenly slammed shut and an annoyed Kura stormed into the room, disrupting their previous harmony. “That new Ensign is an idiot!” she exclaimed, throwing herself into her chair. “If I have to spend one more minute with her I swear I will go insane!” Sanjuro decided that he best try to change the subject; an angry Kura is after all a dangerous Kura. “We got clearance to go to Earth” Sanjuro commented as Kathryn handed him his plate “Great, I can not stand another minute here anymore!” Kura exclaimed in response. Her active nature made her deplore times of little or no activity. “Toshiro and Baku want to come along, as they want to see Earth again” Sanjuro continued, still trying to calm Kura down. “They will be coming aboard tonight.” “And Cothineal is fine with this?” Kathryn inquired, a little surprised. “Apparently, I was a little surprised to hear it myself” Sanjuro responded. “I guess now that things are going her way she is starting become even less possessive than she has been.” “Kathryn...” Kura interjected thoughtfully. “How long will your seminar be?” “Five hours, why do you ask?” Kathryn answered, the slightest trace of suspicion in her voice. “No reason” Kura replied dismissively, if still not convincingly. Anyone who knew her could tell from her expression that she was planning something, and Sanjuro bet that it would not be something that would help him out at all. “Shuttle LZ Minotaur docking” the computer proclaimed as the large shuttle parked itself neatly inside the Leviathan's docking bay. Three figures walked out of the craft and towards Sanjuro, Kura, and Kathryn, who were waiting for them at the far corner the of the large structure. “Hello again brother” Toshiro greeted as he approached. Standing beside him was their childhood friend Baku and Samantha Sternberg, Toshiro's bodyguard and girlfriend. “You're looking well” Sanjuro replied, noticing the new colour in his sibling's face. “I have a reason to be well now” he stated before leaning down and kissing Samantha on the cheek. She smiled and cast her eyes back up at him affectionately. “Cothineal is fine with you visiting Earth then?” Kathryn asked, still curious. “She does not have a problem with me travelling” Toshiro replied, anticipating the question. “I do still have one or two errands I have to do for her during my visit though, and besides, how could anything go wrong when I have my bodyguard to protect me?” Toshiro kissed Samantha on the cheek again, and she let out a little giggle. “Will you two knock it off?” Baku exclaimed annoyed. “Oh, be nice!” Kathryn shot back quickly. They all knew that Baku must be a little jealous of their present state of affairs; after all, Toshiro had Samantha, and Sanjuro had Kura and Kathryn, but in the end that was no reason why Toshiro should not be able to enjoy himself. Besides, it was not like Toshiro had not gone through what Baku was experiencing now in the past. The group then departed from the bay, with some of their spirits being higher than others. Travel to Earth with the Leviathan's kato powered engines did not take long at all, and within twenty-four hours the Leviathan was in the mother planet's orbit. It was a cold crisp autumn day when Sanjuro, Kura, Kathryn and the rest landed at the Edmonton Star Port. Sanjuro was not used to the cold, and shivered even though he was wearing a large and heavy overcoat. The conference centre where the seminar was held was not all that large, only capable of holding up to fifty people. Communications was never that popular a occupation, being much less glamorous, something that allowed it to put up with such low-scale accommodations. “Have a good time” Sanjuro said warmly into Kathryn's ear as they reached the building's large double doors. “I will” she replied cheerfully. She then took a quick glance over at Kura. “Promise me you will not do anything behind my back” Kathryn demanded quietly, intent that her sister would no longer be able to listen in on their conversation. “I promise” Sanjuro whispered back, before giving Kathryn a soft but firm goodbye kiss. She smiled back at him, and then ran inside the conference centre. Sanjuro then stepped up and quickly kissed Kura, knowing full well that she would complain if Kathryn had received one that she herself had not. Baku looked down at his feet, not wanting to show his jealously. Sanjuro was a little worried about Baku; he seemed to be growing even more distant now that Toshiro had a girlfriend. At least before he was not the only “single” person in the group, a title that he now had to bear alone. “If you will excuse me brother...” Toshiro interjected, always prompt and rather abrupt when he had a purpose. “We need to do a few things for Cothineal while we are here, so I will meet with you again later.” Samantha and Baku followed Toshiro as they walked away, leaving Sanjuro alone with Kura for the first time since thoughts of amour had started floating about in her head. “Let's go back to the hotel...” Kura suggested forcefully. “I am freezing out here!” Sanjuro saw no reason to argue, and together they walked back to their hotel. When they finally approached the place in question however, Kura sprinted ahead of her follower and dashed quickly into the building. Sanjuro simply shrugged to himself; she was probably just cold and wanted to get inside as fast as she possibly could. Sanjuro then entered the hotel and quickly walked up the steps that led to their rooms, before finally walking inside. As soon as he had closed the door behind him he heard Kura playfully exclaim “Sanjuro...” in a sing-song voice. Sanjuro followed the sound to find Kura in the bedroom. She looked up at him and flashed her dirtiest of dirty smiles. “I have a little under-cover assignment in mind for you!” she declared, before promptly running over and beginning to remove Sanjuro's overcoat. “Kura, we have talked about this...” he said, but was almost immediately interrupted by Kura. “Kathryn does not have to know” she stated, throwing the overcoat to the floor. “You know I can't do this...” Sanjuro pleaded. Kura grabbed him and pushed him onto the bed. She then started to take off her shirt, and moved on top of Sanjuro. For a few moments Sanjuro was overwhelmed, his male drives taking over. Then Kathryn's face appeared in his mind. “Promise you won't do anything behind my back” she reminded him softly. Sanjuro remembered how trusting she had looked when he did finally promise, and clarity returned to his mind. He slipped out from under Kura and fell to floor with a hard thud. “I can't do this, not behind Kathryn's back” Sanjuro explained, undaunted. “But, Sanjuro!” Kura whined. “I can't” Sanjuro repeated, his resolve firm. Kura's expression then changed to be similar to that of a six year old who has been denied her favourite candy. She sat on the bed, still partially undressed, and pouted. “Kura, don't be like this...” Sanjuro pleaded, but to no avail. Sanjuro knew how stubborn she could get, and she simply glared up at him, pure jealously present in her cold icy stare. “Kathryn's turned him against me...” she muttered under her breath, as Sanjuro left the room. Sanjuro knew that it would be best to leave her alone for now, and he himself needed a walk to help clarify his thoughts. He put on his overcoat, left the hotel, and walked out into the crisp cold morning air to contemplate. Kathryn walked out of the conference centre to find that only Sanjuro was waiting for her outside. “Where are Kura, Toshiro, Baku, and Samantha?” she asked surprised. “I do not know what is holding Toshiro up...” Sanjuro replied. “Kura is at the hotel.” “Are you okay?” Kathryn asked when she saw Sanjuro's face. “You look awful.” A thought then clicked in her mind. “Did you and Kura have a fight?” “I do not want to talk about it” Sanjuro answered, not wishing to get into that conversation. “Just let me know, was it about me?” Kathryn asked quietly. Sanjuro had not expected that response, and did not really want to answer it. “It was not your fault...” he started, but was cut off by Kathryn. “Was I involved?” she demanded again. “I want the truth.” Sanjuro took a deep breath. “Partly” he admitted to her quietly. Kathryn frowned and looked down at her feet. Then she started to sob to herself. “I should leave, all I am doing is making life miserable...” she muttered between gasps. “Kathryn...” Sanjuro began, not at all happy at how quickly both she and Kura had now both fallen apart before him. “You and Kura would be better off without me...” “Kathryn...” Sanjuro continued. “I am only giving you pain. You would be better off if I were dead...” “KATHRYN!” Sanjuro shouted, grabbing her sobbing face so that she would look him in the eye. “Kathryn, my feelings for you have not changed. You brought light into my life when there was only despair. You stood by me when no one else would. The night we consummated our relationship was one of the greatest moments of my life. Kathryn, I love you...” Sanjuro then embraced Kathryn, forcing her sobbing face into his shoulder. They stayed like this for several minutes, until finally Kathryn backed off and attempted to regain some perspective. “I love you too Sanjuro...” she added, looking up at him again. Sanjuro took her hand and they walked the rest of the way back to their hotel together in silence. Sanjuro and Kathryn slowly approached their room's door, wary of what they might find. Sanjuro put his ear to the keyhole and listened, but heard nothing. He then carefully turned the door knob and walked inside, Kathryn following quietly behind him. Sanjuro quickly looked around the room but saw no sign of Kura, and decided to enter the bedroom. When he did enter however he heard a startling sound come from somewhere behind him. “YOU BITCH!” Kura screamed as she lunged at Kathryn, a book in her hands. Sanjuro quickly glanced at it, and saw that it was Kathryn's diary. “HOW DARE YOU MAKE LOVE TO HIM! YOU USURPING THEIF!” Kura grabbed Kathryn's throat and started to squeeze. “Sanjuro... help.. me...” Kathryn croaked as Kura strengthened her grip. Sanjuro ran to try and separate the two scuffling sisters, but Kura used her quick soldier's reflexes to kick Sanjuro and send him flying across the room. “YOU COULD NOT HAVE STAYED AWAY COULD YOU! YOU HAD TO GET YOUR LITTLE HANDS DIRTY!” Kura continued to scream, as she squeezed harder and harder on her sister's throat. Eventually Kathryn's face went as white as a ghost and she fell to the floor. “Kathryn!” Sanjuro screamed as he pushed himself up and ran back towards them. Kura backed away slowly, her face now resembling Kathryn's in hue. Sanjuro leaned up close and felt Kathryn's chest anxiously. “I... I killed her...” Kura stammered fearfully as Sanjuro continued his examination of Kathryn's limp form. “She is still breathing...” Sanjuro said, relieved. “She has only lost consciousness.” Kura sobbed fearfully, still in shock about what she had done. ”Get some brandy or at least some water” Sanjuro instructed quickly, sending Kura running to the bar downstairs. She returned with a full bottle, and Sanjuro gently poured some of the alcohol down Kathryn's throat. She then opened one eye slowly. “Kathryn!” Kura exclaimed, inadvertently shoving Sanjuro out of her way. “I am so sorry, I am so sorry!” she sobbed as her sister regained conciseness. “I am so sorry! I won't ever deserve your forgiveness! I should be hanged for this! I am SO sorry!” “That would be a little... extreme” Kathryn commented as the colour began to return to her face. Kura laughed between sobs, not so much because of her joke, but because she was so relieved that she was still alive. Kathryn then embraced her sister, who cried into her shoulder. “It is okay...” she reassured softly, “I am fine now.” Kura sniffled and helped Kathryn back to her feet. Sanjuro approached, and both the sisters clung to him. At least for now, they had unity. “Kura, I am fine” Kathryn said again, but Kura would not budge. She continued to sit on the couch, her face turned down into a frown, guilt flowing through her mind. There had to be some way of cheering her up. Kathryn leaned over and turned on the radio; it was unusual to have so many stations. On the Leviathan you were always stuck with two channels, either the ship communications or whatever sounds were being broadcast from your terminal. Here there were at least ten individual stations, but not any of them seemed to change Kura's mood. “Well, if you are not going to enjoy yourself I will!” Kathryn declared as she walked over to Sanjuro. “May I have this dance?” Sanjuro looked up surprised. “I do not know how to dance...” Sanjuro replied uneasily. “You know military manoeuvres, you can figure it out!” Kathryn replied, tugging at Sanjuro's arm. He soon relented, and allowed her to pull him out of his chair. “Wait just a second!” Kathryn called out as she ran into the bedroom. Kura watched all this with mild interest, but her face was still solid stone. Kathryn returned from the bedroom wearing her dress uniform, which consisted of a skirt and a matching top with her military awards attached. “Hardly ballroom I know, but it will do.” “I think you look beautiful anyway” Sanjuro whispered into Kathryn's ear as she returned to him. She smiled, and positioned herself ready. She had taken dance to get through her humanity courses at the Academy, so she knew what to do. Sanjuro, however, had no idea how to do anything. A new song blasted from the radio, and Kathryn grabbed Sanjuro's arms. She then moved her feet to the beat, and Sanjuro tried his best to imitate her. The beat became faster, and Kathryn started to move her feet faster as well. Sanjuro once again imitated, but could not keep up and slipped. Kura continued to watch, and a small smirk appearing on her face. Sanjuro got up and tried again, imitating Kathryn's movements almost exactly now. The song's beat was once again getting faster, and Sanjuro once again slipped, this time causing him to slid across the room. Kura grinned as Sanjuro got up and once again walked over to Kathryn. The song hit its crescendo, and Kathryn not only moved her feet but twirled around Sanjuro. He tried his best to imitate, but at these speeds was completely lost. Kathryn grabbed his arms stiffly and attempted to make Sanjuro twirl with her. Sanjuro however slipped again and was sent flying across the room, landing on the couch next to Kura with a thump. Kura burst out laughing, as Sanjuro smiled weakly up at them. “I knew I could make you smile!” Kathryn exclaimed triumphantly at Kura as she sat herself down beside her. Kura immediately tried to wipe the smirk off her face, but everyone knew that she was faking. Kathryn simply smiled at her sister, and Kura finally allowed herself to smile back. Sanjuro continued to smile beside them, happy to know that they both now seemed to be finally getting along. Sanjuro opened his eyes to see sunlight pouring through the window. He looked over at the clock to see that it was 11:30 in the morning. Kura and Kathryn were curled up beside him, Kura recently awakened and Kathryn still sleeping. Sanjuro and Kura carefully slipped out from under the covers and quietly sneaked out of the room. “It is odd that we have not heard anything from Toshiro yet” Kura commented as she changed into her day clothes. Sanjuro was also wondering why he had not heard anything from his brother, but thought it best to just shrug it off. After all, it was not like he was alone or undefended. “We will probably see him today” Sanjuro said, sitting down at the room's dining table. After dressing, Kura sat down opposite him. “Sanjuro...” she stated hesitantly, staring down at the table's surface. “Yes?” Sanjuro responded, his interest perked. “Never mind” Kura added, her confidence drying up. “No, tell me, what is it?” Sanjuro inquired, still interested. “Why did you make love with Kathryn?” Kura asked quietly. Sanjuro was taken aback by this, but tried his best not to show it. “I thought you were dead, and I loved her...” Sanjuro explained, not entirely sure how to answer the question. “Do you still love her?” Kura interjected. “Yes” Sanjuro responded simply. Kura frowned and once again looked down at the table. “Don't worry, I still love you...” Sanjuro added quickly, noting the look on Kura's face. “I know you do” she responded quietly. “But it is hard knowing that the person you love is also in love with somebody else...” Sanjuro was still surprised by this conversation; it was not Kura's style to talk like this. “Kura, I am still here with you” Sanjuro commented reassuringly, reaching out for her hand. She smiled back at him, her expression seeming more like Kathryn than Kura. “Thank you for waking me up...” Kathryn remarked a little sourly as she entered the room. She was still wearing her dress uniform from the night before. Kura changed her expression back to her usual tough persona, but not before allowing Sanjuro one last deep smile. Sanjuro knew that this morning he had been granted a rare insight into the emotions of Kura Akkaraju. “Good morning” Toshiro greeted as Kura, Kathryn, and Sanjuro took chairs bedside him, Samantha, and Baku at the restaurant where they had all chosen to meet. “Have a pleasant evening?” “Yes” the three of them replied, each thinking that the word “eventful” might have been a better term however. “Where were you anyway? Kathryn asked. “We thought you would meet with us after my seminar was over.” “After our duties, they wanted to get back to their apartment” Baku said, rolling his eyes on the last part. Toshiro and Samantha simply smiled at each other; they had evidently enjoyed their evening together. Sanjuro had a feeling that none of the Makabe's were virgins. “Anyway...” Kura stated, trying to restart the conversation. “When are we going to see father?” “We are going tomorrow” Sanjuro replied. “I am sure he will be happy to see Toshiro and Baku again. It will be just like when we were kids”. “What is he like exactly?” Samantha asked cautiously, never having actually met the old man before, only stories that had left her with... various impressions. “Don't worry, father's friendly” Kathryn responded quickly. “But you must show proper military respect and decorum” Kura added promptly. “Don't worry, I am sure he will like you dear” Toshiro said gently, holding her hand. “I would avoid talking about Cothineal or the Fallen though.” “That would probably be a good idea” Sanjuro agreed, just as their lunches arrived. The six then proceeded to eat their meals in silence. It had been a long time since Sanjuro had been able to have a good talk with either Toshiro or Baku, and that afternoon was mostly spent talking with the pair of them. Baku made a few comments, but continued to stay distant. Part of it must have been because he was still understandably unfamiliar with the group of them; they were close friends, but had been separated for a long time. Sanjuro knew however that Baku was also jealous of them. He was stuck alone while everyone else around him now had their own special someone. Sanjuro had two for gods sake! Sanjuro just hoped it would not lead to trouble, he hardly needed anymore. “Can I speak with you brother?” Toshiro eventually whispered into Sanjuro's ear, disturbing his thoughts. “Of course...” Sanjuro started to reply. “In private” Toshiro added, cutting his brother off. “I guess we will be back soon then” Sanjuro told the others, as he and Toshiro entered the next room. Toshiro locked the door behind them. “I know you have more experience with this than I do...” Toshiro began as he sat down on Sanjuro's hotel bed. “May I ask for your advice?” “Sure” Sanjuro replied, thinking it unusual for Toshiro to be asking him for advice. It was usually the other way round. “Well, things with me and Samantha are getting serious...” Toshiro elaborated, somewhat uncomfortably. “Yes, I can tell” Sanjuro commented. “Well yes, and Samantha is asking me about...” Toshiro took in a deep breath “Marriage.” Sanjuro raised his eyebrows. “How long have you known her?” Sanjuro asked, mulling the situation over. “We have been a couple for about five months” Toshiro replied, expecting the question. “That is not very long...” Sanjuro commented. “I know that!” Toshiro replied, somewhat agitated. “But Samantha is young and optimistic. Have Kura or Kathryn ever asked you about it?” “Kathryn talked about it, but only hypothetically” Sanjuro answered. “Kura has never said a word.” He tried imagining Kura in a wedding dress. The image just could not compute. “Well, what am I to do then?” Toshiro inquired frustrated. “I really do like her, but I don't think I am ready for marriage.” “Tell her that” Sanjuro advised quickly. “I don't really know her so I can not say how she will react, but I do know that even I can convince Kura on some matters, and you know how stubborn she is!” “I guess you're right” Toshiro replied. “I just figured that I would tap into some of your experience.” Sanjuro smiled and the two of them began to prepare to depart. “Oh, and nice going last night” he commented suddenly, making a suggestive wink. “How did you know that me and Samantha...” Toshiro began, understanding the wink. Sanjuro unlocked the door, and then turned back to his brother. “I do have two girlfriends” he replied, before exiting the room. Toshiro thought this over to himself for a few seconds, and then followed Sanjuro back into the other room. “Sanjuro wake up! You're going to make us late!” Sanjuro woke quickly to find Kura and Kathryn already dressed and packed. “Come on, or we will miss the shuttle!” Kura scolded as Sanjuro leaped out of bed. He then promptly dressed and packed at the two sisters' direction before the three of them quickly rushed out the door. They then ran all the way to the nearby Star Port and boarded the flight that would take them to Japan, Toshiro, Baku, and Samantha already being on board. Despite the frantic start for some, it in the end proved to be an uneventful ride for the group of them, and they soon landed at the Tokyo Star Port and proceeded to the Akkaraju estate without further incident. “Remember, show respect” Kathryn commented as she took out her key and placed it into the lock. With a twist of her hand the lock shifted and Kathryn opened the large wooden doors. They then creaked slowly open and the group proceeded to enter the structure. “Father, we have come to see you!” Kathryn's voice echoed throughout the entry hall. “This is a surprise, I am in the living room!” Nathaniel Akkaraju's voice echoed back, warmth and companionship evident in his voice. Kura and Kathryn entered the room first, and ran up and hugged their father. Sanjuro then entered the room. “Hello Admiral” he greeted respectively. “Same to you” Nathaniel received, a hint of a lighthearted smile on his face. Toshiro and Baku entered the room next. “Hello again sir” Toshiro commented. Nathaniel Akkaraju stared over these new visitors with a more than fair amount of surprise, and for a few minutes a tense exchange of glances occurred. After all, when Nathaniel had commanded the Leviathan both Toshiro and Baku were considered traitors to the UCA, and the Admiral might still think of them that way. He may have accepted the failures of his own actions already, but may not have forgiven the duplicity of theirs. However, in the end Nathaniel simply smiled and extended his hand. “It is good to see you again” he said, shaking Toshiro's hand. “The same goes to you Baku.” Sanjuro was relieved that this part of the exchange was now over and done with; he had been worrying about how the ex-Admiral would react to his surprise guests. Upon hearing Nathaniel's reply, Samantha then quietly entered the room. “And who might you be?” Nathaniel asked, now expecting anything to enter his living room. “This is my girlfriend, Samantha Sternberg” Toshiro explained calmly. Samantha extended her hand to the ex-Admiral courteously. He did shake it, but not before noticing the Fallen insignia located on her shoulder. Toshiro noticed this as well, and gently grabbed Samantha by the shoulder and made her sit beside him. There were still things he needed to get used too after all. After the introductions were finished, Nathaniel had a long talk with his visitors, particularly Toshiro and Baku with whom he had not had a proper conversation with for a considerable length of time. They were all eager to catch up but still tried their best to avoid talking about either the Fallen or Cothineal. Instead they talked about the days of their childhood, including the times that Nathaniel had to get the five of them out of trouble. After a while, Kathryn glanced over at the clock. “Oh, I almost forgot!” she exclaimed upon noticing the time. “Father, me and Samantha are going to cook you a home cooked meal just like mother used to make.” “That sounds lovely dear” Nathaniel commented as Samantha and Kathryn eagerly ran into the kitchen. With them gone, the conversation drifted back to Toshiro and Baku, the clatter of pots and pans now being heard emanating from the kitchen. Eventually Kathryn entered the room again wearing a chef's apron. “Dinner's ready” she proclaimed and walked back out of the room again. The group that was still seated got out of their chairs and proceeded to follow Kathryn. “Sanjuro, stay a moment” Nathaniel Akkaraju instructed, prompting Sanjuro to seat himself down again. Sanjuro did not like this; he thought about the look on the old man's face when he saw Samantha's insignia. Sanjuro hoped that he was not going to be asking about that. “I know Kura and Kathryn are old enough to make their own decisions...” Nathaniel began, clearly having far different things on his mind. Sanjuro was a bit taken aback by this comment. Relief rushed through his body, before he stopped and started wondering where this was going. “And I know that they both like you very much.” “I love your daughters sir” Sanjuro replied, now a bit worried where this might lead. “Yes, well... I know I have not been the best father, putting my career ahead of my family. I also know that they both currently share affections for you. I want to hear as a caring father that you will promise to avoid hurting them.” “I love them, I don't want to hurt them sir” Sanjuro responded, now feeling a little defensive. “I am not going to judge what you and they decide to do Sanjuro” Nathaniel said, noticing Sanjuro's edginess. “I just want to make sure that whatever you do end up doing you will also do whatever you can to make them both happy in the process.” “Sanjuro, father, what is holding you up?” Kathryn asked as she proceeded to enter the room again, this time without the apron. Nathaniel stared at the look of affection on his daughter's face as she addressed Sanjuro. “Don'y worry, we are on our way” Nathaniel commented in response to his daughter's question, causing Kathryn to run off back to the kitchen. Sanjuro turned back to the Admiral, who was by now getting up out of his chair. “I promise sir” Sanjuro said, before giving a military salute. “I know you will Sanjuro” Nathaniel smiled, as he himself now proceeded into the kitchen. Sanjuro followed behind him, thinking carefully over their previous conversation. He then seated himself in between Kura and Kathryn at the dining table. “I promise” Sanjuro thought after once again looking over of his girlfriends' faces. “I promise!” The door creaked open as Sanjuro, Kura, and Kathryn entered their room. This house was custom built for Nathaniel Akkaraju, and as such was built to specifically accommodate the needs of his family. It had four bedrooms, Nathaniel's own, Kura's, Kathryn's, and one additional one included merely for the purpose of housing guests. The room Sanjuro entered was Kathryn's, and even though she had never spent much time here there was still some of her personal effects strewn around the place. On the desk there was an old communications textbook from Kathryn's Academy days; beside it there was a large pile of papers, some blank and some featuring some of her old writings. Through the open closet door you could see some of her old clothes, including the uniform she wore to her graduation and even a little girl's dress that she might possibly have been wearing the day that she had meet Sanjuro and his brother for the very first time. The group changed into their nightwear, adding some more modern clothes to the relics in the closet. Sanjuro quickly curled up under the covers of the welcoming bed, determined to get a good night's rest. Fate it seemed had other plans in store for him however. “What was father asking you about?” Kathryn asked as she nestled herself by Sanjuro's side. “Why do you ask?” Sanjuro replied sleepily. “Was it about Toshiro and Baku?” Kathryn inquired, a tinge of worry in her voice. “You know how father can hold a grudge...” Kura commented, settling herself down on the opposite side of Sanjuro to Kathryn. “It had nothing to do with Toshiro and Baku” Sanjuro said groggily, closing his eyes. “What was it about then?” Kathryn asked curiously. “It was nothing important” Sanjuro replied, his body aching for sleep. “That doesn't sound like father” Kura commented. Sanjuro let out a deep sigh. “Look, we can talk about this in the morning. Right now I just want some sleep.” “No need to get worked up” Kura replied, pulling the covers over herself. “Goodnight sweetie” Kathryn said fondly, kissing him on the forehead before pulling the covers over herself as well. Kura followed with a similar display to her sister's, and Sanjuro was finally able to fall into a long deep sleep. “Wake up brother.” “I am getting up” Sanjuro said, thinking of finishing his reply with “Kura” until he realized that it was not her voice. He awoke to see Toshiro standing over his bed. “Where are Kura and Kathryn?” Sanjuro asked, slowly rising. “They are already awake and are either waiting for or cooking breakfast” Toshiro replied, his eyes still peering down at him. Sanjuro had a deep suspicion that Toshiro's logical mind was pondering on how three people managed to get any sleep in the one bed. “If you will excuse me now brother” Toshiro stated finally before proceeding to walk out the door. Sanjuro quickly changed into his day clothes and packed his nightwear back into his suitcase, as well as Kura and Kathryn's. “For such pretty girls they can certainly be messy” Sanjuro thought to himself as he entered the kitchen. There Samantha and Kathryn were labouring over the stove, Nathaniel was reading the morning paper, Toshiro and Baku were sitting together minding their own business, and Kura was waiting expectantly for Sanjuro to seat himself down beside her. “So you're finally awake” Kura lightheartedly jeered as Sanjuro sat down. Sanjuro was a little relieved that she had regained some of her usual energy; ever since she tried to “kill” Kathryn she seemed rather weak and in her own way upset. Well, it proved that she did not hate her sister at least. “So you are leaving today then?” Nathaniel inquired as he put down the newspaper. “We will run out of shore leave otherwise” Sanjuro replied, still feeling a little groggy. “We are leaving after lunch” Kura commented as Kathryn and Samantha started serving out the pancakes and syrup. “I found something I want to give you two” Nathaniel said, addressing both Kura and Kathryn, who had just finished serving and was then in the process of taking her seat beside Sanjuro. “What is it?” Kathryn asked while reaching for the syrup. “Just something your mother left you” Nathaniel answered before tucking into his meal as well. Kura's room, like Kathryn's, showed some of the characteristics of its owner. On Kura's desk there were two photographs, one showing Kura in her dress uniform preforming a military salute in one hand and holding a pistol in the other, while the other picture showed Sanjuro with “hope to see you soon” written on the bottom of it along with Sanjuro's signature. Kura's air gun from Academy target practice still laid on the desk as well. On the wall near Kura's bed there was a target, with three knifes embedded at various points, one of them happening to be the centre. On the nightstand beside the bed there was also a love letter to Kura from Sanjuro featuring a poem. What Kura did not know was that Kathryn actually wrote it so Sanjuro would be able to give Kura something as a birthday present. “Father said the package would be in here somewhere” Kathryn said as she looked under the bed, coughing mildly after breathing in some of the dust. “I'll try the wardrobe” Kura commented, opening the closet door. The two sisters searched for a few moments until Kathryn finally produced a brown box tied up with string from an abandoned corner of the room. “For Kura and Kathryn” Kura read from the label attached to the box. “Come on, let's open it!” “Kura, Kathryn, hurry! We do not have much time before the shuttle leaves!” Sanjuro's voice called out, chiding them for their tardiness for once. Kathryn quickly popped the box into her bag and ran out of the room, Kura following closely behind. Sanjuro stood by the doorway outside next to Toshiro, Baku, and Samantha. “Bye father” Kura and Kathryn called out as the group of them headed out into the Japanese sun. The shuttle was waiting expectantly at the Star Port, and for once they did not just barely make it as had happened for them so many times before. The shuttle took off for the Edmonton Star Port where LZ Minotaur was waiting to send them all back to the Leviathan, which was itself still waiting in Earth's orbit to bring them all back into the stars. As soon as Sanjuro and the others came aboard, the Leviathan promptly changed course back to Cronus where it was still stationed, just in case things reignited there. Sanjuro once again assumed command of a ship with nothing to do. He saw a lot of his brother and Samantha on the trip but surprisingly saw very little of Baku. Toshiro always said that he had an “appointment” or that he would be “gone for the evening.” Sanjuro, knowing Baku's current state, was a bit worried about him being left alone, but what could he do? Restrict Baku's access to the rest of the ship? In their quarters, Sanjuro's thoughts were disturbed by the rustling of Kathryn's bag as she dug through it. He watched from the couch as Kura and Kathryn carefully undid the string and opened the box. “Two smaller boxes?” Kura stated confused, producing the two surprising objects. “They have the UCA symbol on them” Kathryn observed as she proceeded to slowly open one of the boxes. She gasped when she saw the contents. “It's two rings!” she exclaimed, the two objects becoming more stunning at every moment. Kura quickly grabbed the other box and opened it to find similar contents. “What are they for then?” she asked as she rummaged through the original box, looking for some clue as to its progeny. “There's a note” she commented, pulling a card out from the box. Kathryn quickly grabbed the card out of her sister's hands and started reading. “For my two daughters when they find the men of their dreams – mother” she read quickly, her eagerness getting the better of her. She looked over at Kura, who had the same look of confusion that must have been on her own face. “We can not really make much use of them” Kura said as she examined one of the rings. “Maybe not for the original purpose” Kathryn replied, as she ran up to Sanjuro and pulled him gently by the arm to where Kura was still sitting. She then grabbed the two boxes and slipped a ring from each of the boxes onto both of Sanjuro's ring fingers, one on each hand. Kathryn then slipped one of the rings on her ring finger and gestured for Kura to follow suite. “Mother would have wanted us to use them at least once...” Kathryn commented as she and Kura held Sanjuro's ringed hands. “We will use them with the man of our dreams” she added, smiling in Sanjuro's direction. Sanjuro knew that it meant nothing legally, but it was gesture of companionship and community among them, exactly the kind of commitment that Nathaniel had wanted. Kathryn and Kura got up and grabbed Sanjuro tightly. ”We love you Sanjuro” they said together, proceeding to hold the man even more tightly in their arms. “I love you too” Sanjuro replied, partly because it was true, and partly to make them relieve some of the pressure on his sides. They unintentionally obliged. Sanjuro, Kura, Kathryn, Toshiro and Samantha stood in the Leviathan's docking bay waiting expectantly for Baku, who was apparently running late. Sanjuro looked over at the large digital clock on the wall and started to worry. “What is taking Baku so long?” he thought to himself irritably. His soldier senses then detected movement somewhere behind him, causing him to swivel his head backwards. He then saw with relief that Baku was standing near the main doorway, an unfamiliar figure standing beside him. Sanjuro turned and squinted to have a better look. Sanjuro saw Baku talking to a young attractive black-haired woman in a UCA uniform. They shook hands for a few seconds, until the girl quickly leaned up and kissed Baku. His face went red, but he allowed her to continue for several moments. Finally she stepped back, handed Baku a piece of paper, and walked slowly out the way they had came in. “Am I late?” Baku asked as he ran up to Sanjuro and the others, still unsure of how much of it they saw. “Almost...” Toshiro said looking at the clock. “I assume I will talk to you through communications link again on Wednesday brother?” he asked as he helped Baku into the shuttle bound for the surface. “I wouldn't miss it” Sanjuro replied as he shook his brother's hand just as Toshiro and Samantha boarded the shuttle. The three people that remained then turned for the bay entrance, content to have just their own company for a little while. While they were walking through the Leviathan's halls, Kathryn gave Sanjuro a knowing look. “It seems Baku might have finally had a little luck” Sanjuro said, answering Kathryn's glance. “It was Ensign Cara Carmack” Kura commented as they approached Sanjuro's quarters. “Isn't she on your security team?” Kathryn said as they opened the door. “Yes” Kura replied simply, seating herself on the couch. A woman of few words. “The one you keep complaining about?” Kathryn asked, a smirk appearing on her face. “She is not really that bad...” Kura said quickly, showing a weak smile. Sanjuro and Kathryn then burst out laughing. With Toshiro and Baku back on Cronus life was once again extremely dull on the Leviathan, especially for its Admiral in particular. At least Kura had her squad to train; Sanjuro was forced to sit in the command chair and do nothing but occasionally offer field reports. At the end of another one of these long boring days, Sanjuro heard the relieving chime of the ships clock and waited patiently for the Commander who would take the evening shift. After he arrived, Sanjuro picked himself up out of the chair and walked back to his quarters. When he entered he once again heard the rustle of pots and pans. Kathryn was cooking almost every night now. “Good evening Kathryn” Sanjuro greeted. A period of silence followed. “Kathryn?” More silence. “I said good evening Kathryn...” Sanjuro added again as he entered the kitchen, hoping that nothing was wrong. “What? Oh, sorry! Hello Sanjuro” Kathryn replied distractedly, finally noticing him. She then went back to the stove. Sanjuro decided that it might be best to leave her alone for a little while. He sat down on the couch in the other room and waited. He was relieved when the door opened and Kura walked into the room. At least maybe she would talk to him. “Kathryn is cooking again?” she observed as she seated herself down beside Sanjuro. “I wonder if the mess hall staff think we have died” she commented with a smirk. Sanjuro could tell that she was in one of her energetic moods. Kathryn came in just then and ushered them into the kitchen, placing three plates on the table before serving up. She did this all in silence, not looking at anyone. This mood continued throughout the meal, with only Sanjuro and Kura talking while Kathryn continued to remain strangely absent. “Are you going to ignore us all evening or what?” Kura said finally, her sister's silence beginning to get on her nerves. Kathryn continued to ignore her and focused instead on what she was eating. Kura gave Sanjuro a disparaging look and turned back down to her own food. After several more minutes of eating, Kathryn still was not talking. Sanjuro was beginning to wonder if there really was something wrong. “Kathryn, really, you can't just ignore us” Sanjuro commented, though much less aggressively than Kura had done. This time Kathryn did look up, her face showing deep thought. “I have been thinking” she stated finally. “Really, do tell” Kura replied sarcastically. “I have been thinking and I think I will allow Kura to...” Kathryn continued, her confidence dropping at the last part. “Well?” Kura asked again, giving her sister a questioning look. “I will allow Kura to... make love to Sanjuro” she finished, and looked down at her feet. A stunned silence fell across the table. “You mean...” Kura started. Kathryn simply nodded. A deep smile appeared on Kura's face. “I figure it is only fair since you were with Sanjuro first” Kathryn explained. “It is a vulgar action anyway” she added quietly. “Oh come now, don't tell me you didn't enjoy it!” Kura replied, Kathryn's face turning a deep scarlet red. Kathryn got up from her chair and started walking towards the exit. “Tell me when you're done” she said quietly as she approached the door. When it opened she looked back over at Sanjuro, her confidence wavering again. Sanjuro was trying his best to stay out of the conversation, not sure where it was going to end up and not wanting to prejudice the proceedings. Kathryn continued to stare over at him. “Don't think of it as leaving him with another woman...” she reminded herself, “think of it as doing something nice for your sister.” Kathryn spent a few more minutes staring over at Sanjuro, trying to summon up the courage to finally leave the room. She then finally blew Sanjuro a kiss and walked slowly out the door. As soon as the the door closed, Kura ran up and pressed the lock button. She then turned over to Sanjuro, her energies now set to a goal. “Come a little closer” she said seductively as she walked over to Sanjuro, who was still not quite comprehending the situation. Kura began slowly unbuttoning her shirt, smiling her dirtiest smile. “Just to let me check on reality...” Sanjuro said as Kura threw her shirt to the ground. “Just what is happening?” “Kathryn has left the room willingly” she answered as she began unhooking her bra. “You are about to make me very happy.” Sanjuro was still not completely sure what was going on, but decided not to argue. Kura was now almost fully naked and was quickly trying to make Sanjuro a similar state. She then dragged him by the arm onto the bed in another room. “I really did miss you Sanjuro” she added as smiled down into his face. Sanjuro simply closed his eyes and proceeded with his duty. Kathryn stirred her drink slowly as she looked down at the table, her reflection staring back at her. The bar was unusually empty tonight, better for Kathryn to sit and think. She continued to stare down at her melancholy reflection in silence. Noticing this, Carla the barmaid stirred from her place behind the counter. She continued to look over at her bar's only occupant with mild interest. She decided to follow the barkeeper's creed, or at least that what she thought was the barkeeper's creed based on the books she read, and sauntered over to Kathryn's table. “Something wrong with your drink?” Carla asked as she took the chair opposite to Kathryn. Kathryn looked up for a moment, shook her head, and turned back down to look even deeper at her own reflection. Carla was not put off by this however, and continued the conversation. “What could be possibly wrong when you're an ex-Admiral's daughter and an Admiral's girlfriend?” she asked. This time Kathryn did not even look up and instead just started to stir her drink more vigorously. “The ex-Admiral's other daughter and the Admiral's other girlfriend!” Carla said, answering her own question. “Come on, tell me what is wrong and I will listen.” “Nothing is wrong” Kathryn said, not even looking up. “Your face says otherwise” Carla commented. Kathryn finally looked up and over at her. “Why do you want to know?” she asked flatly. “Because I don't like seeing sad people in my bar” Carla replied. “Now, tell me what's wrong.” Kathryn sighed. “I do not know why I am telling you this...” she began, seeing no other way to get Carla to leave her alone. “I left Sanjuro alone with Kura so they could...” Kathryn continued, but lost steam towards the last part. Carla continued giving Kathryn a piercing look. “I left the Admiral with the Commander for, well... sex” she whispered quietly. Carla gave Kathryn a questioning look. “Kura was wanting it for awhile and she is my sister!” Kathryn stated defensively. “And I do not even know why I'm talking to you.” Kathryn turned back down to her reflection on the table. “Lieutenant Commander, does the Admiral really love you?” Carla asked, trying to make up for Kathryn's defensiveness. “Because if he does love you, does it matter who he sleeps with?” “I know he loves me...” Kathryn replied quietly, continuing to stare down at the table. “Would he be having sex with the Commander if you did not allow it?” Carla asked. “No...” Kathryn answered. “Then there is no reason to be sad!” Carla exclaimed. “The man obviously loves you, and besides, he would be crazy not to be with you. You are young, pretty, and devoted. What more could he want?” Kathryn looked up and over at Carla. “Thank you” she stated quietly. Carla smiled. “I am here to help” Carla commented, feeling her duties to now be complete. Just then Kathryn's communicator sounded. “You can come back now” Sanjuro's voice said through the device, beckoning her home. Carla noticed how Kathryn's face glowed upon hearing it. “Thank you for everything!” Kathryn acknowledged once again, shaking Carla's hand. “Oh, and if you ever tell anyone about this I will have to kill you!” she noted hurriedly, running out of the bar in the direction of the Admiral's quarters. Carla looked down at Kathryn's basically untouched drink. “She's a nice girl” Carla thought, as she drank a sip from Kathryn's glass. Sanjuro like any man was tired after his exertion, and it did not help matters that Kura was a naturally energetic woman. All he really wanted to do now was eat and rest. Kathryn however had other ideas, something to which Sanjuro somehow willingly submitted. He was beginning to realize that he no longer had any control over his own destiny. The music played softly from the radio as Kathryn and Sanjuro danced. She was once again wearing her dress uniform, moving her feet slowly to the beat, her head on Sanjuro's shoulder. She looked so happy, her eyes closed in comfort. Sanjuro spent a few moments gazing at her beautiful face in quiet contemplation. “Kathryn?” Sanjuro asked quietly as a new more active track came from the radio. “Hmm?” she responded comfortably, her head still on his shoulder. “What finally made you change your mind about Kura?” Sanjuro continued, feeling Kathryn's skirt brush against his leg. “She is my sister” she replied calmly. “You do nice things for your sister.” “But what was it that really changed your mind?” Sanjuro inquired, not content with that as an answer. Kathryn lifted her head from Sanjuro's shoulder and looked him in the eye. “I thought for a while about the look that was on Kura's face after she tried to strangle me” Kathryn said, her feet still moving to the beat. Sanjuro admired her multitasking skills. “She looked so scared and caring. It got me thinking about how I cared for her...” “What do you mean?” Sanjuro interjected curiously. “She was separated from you for a very long time and when she came back she suddenly found out that she now had to share you with me” Kathryn elaborated. “It made me feel a little guilty, so I wanted to make it up to her.” “So you let her...” Sanjuro started, but was cut off by a quick “yes” from Kathryn. She nestled her head back into its comfortable position on Sanjuro's shoulder. Sanjuro felt her soft hair brush against his neck. They continued to dance slowly for a couple of minutes. “Sanjuro...” Kathryn commented again finally. “Yes?” Sanjuro responded. “When you were alone with Kura...” Kathryn started. “Yes?” Sanjuro said again, a bit eerie of the comment. “When you were alone with Kura I think I felt a little of what made her try to kill me” Kathryn finished, smiling up at Sanjuro. Sanjuro smiled back at her, seeing the affection in her face. Eventually the music stopped and Kathryn finally decided that it was time for bed. She laid down on the couch and tried to get some sleep. Sanjuro walked over into his bedroom to see Kura still naked and sprawled across the bed. There was obviously no way of going to sleep there without disturbing Kura. Sanjuro walked back over to the living room. Sanjuro slipped onto the couch beside Kathryn, who was still grateful for the attention. She cuddled up to Sanjuro and put her head on his chest, falling asleep with the same comfortable smile she had been wearing when she was dancing. Sanjuro just laid there, stroking her soft hair and thinking to himself for a few moments. Toshiro and Baku were finally getting their share of luck with the fairer sex, Kura and Kathryn seemed to be working out a way to share him between them, and Nathaniel was taking even more steps in getting over his troubled past. Sanjuro fell asleep in the knowledge that things were finally beginning to work out for the better again. THE END June 3-4-5-6-7-8-10-11, 2008 Review read and cleaned up on March 16-24-30, 2014 and May 11, 2014.