Brian Waite

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"Here is Brian 'Ernie' Waite's office. Ernie is Blood 2's 3D artist, and is responsible for creating almost all of the creature models, weapons, and their animations. Currently he is working on '3D stuff' (direct quote). As you can see I have captured him napping, not a common occurence, since Ernie's body is such a finely honed machine that he can survive on merely an hour of sleep a day, just like Batman! Isn't he an angel when he's sleeping? :)"James Wilson III, Blood II Weekly Updates: Week One

Brian Waite's office, circa April 23, 1998

Brian "Ernie" Waite is a 2D and 3D artist and an original founder of Monolith Productions. His first games were Blood and Claw in 1997 and his last was The Matrix Online in 2005. Alongside Mike Dussault, he is listed as an executive producer on the 2015 film The Hollow One by Nathan Hendrickson's Compulsion Films. His entry in the Blood II credits is headlined: "Isn't It Fun To See Art And Engineer In The Same Sentence? Sure, Ernie."


"Getting close to Alpha on B2. Everything is looking quite awesome. Eric and Andrew have been pimping out the weapon effects. I think people will appreciate the fact that they won't see the Pyromania CD explosions for once in a game. Sounds for enemies, weapons and IMA are getting checked in left and right, they are utterly incredible. I still like the hind sound from UO tho. =) j/k My last plan file was titled '.Plan File'. This one is titled '.Plan File 2' and the next will be '.Plan File 3: The Beginning to an End' soooo... S.A.F.D.S.M.U.P.A.B.".plan file, November 3, 1998

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